Chapter 17 Muddy Water Friends

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(The music video is by Joe Chocker'With A Little Help From My Friends')
Ava's POV***************

Thank God for Mr. Grey! He interrupted that shit show in the parking lot and dragged me to his truck. He opened up the driver side door, picked me up by my hips and sat me in the seat as if I weighed nothing. I was so glad to get away from Dean and Misty I didn't give a thought to where we were first... All I could think about was Dean and I having a wonderful night and it was all a con or.... something. I don't know why he went to all that trouble?  I mean, dinner on the football field was going all out. To have a picture of a girl he fucked the same night shoved in my face the following Monday in hall? Maybe the plan was to make me feel special and show me I'm not with the picture, whatever. He must of had her stashed somewhere waiting for our dance to be over. That was the worst part, I thought he was being a gentleman.

Lachlan slid in beside me so close our sides were touching, I could feel the soothing heat between us. My first reaction , my emotionally immature self, froze. Just sat there looking at him with my mouth hanging open, I doubt I blinked, I know I didn't breath. I know because that's what brought me back to reality, I felt a pressure on my chest letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. After a few slow breaths I look around trying to get my barrings. I slide to the right so I'm not sitting on Mr. Grey anymore and say,"Where are we going? What is so important Mr. Grey?" I ask with a curious eyes my head tilted to the side.

Mr. Grey, looking at the road ahead lets out a breath saying, "I couldn't watch that scene another second. It was like watching surgery." He feels sorry for me. That's why he helped me, pity.  "We're going for a drive to the river. I need to stop by my place on the way." Mr, Grey says like it's no big deal, going to the river with my teacher during school. I'm not a goodie-two-shoes but I have never skipped school or played sick. Well, I tried to play sick , Granny always caught me because I can't lie to her. I told on myself every time.

Granny was soon forgotten with Dean's betrayal fresh on my mind.  It doesn't matter, I had a great time at the dance with my date. I thought to myself. No one can take that good memory from me. Now I have a solid reason to turn him down if he ever asks me out again. The whole town will say I couldn't satisfy him and talk shit about me until the next big gossip goes around. Yea me! All I can do is wish for someone get caught having an affair or something gossip-worthy to happen. I hope Deans' super-fans don't treat me too bad!

I can't help but wonder; why is he taking me to the river now? I should be in school. I should say,,,something. I seem out going to everyone but, I'm really very shy. It's my defense mechanism, no one gets close enough to know the real me. I'm really very sensitive, caring, nerdy shy girl that loves  music, loves to dance, loves to write poetry, loves history and my favorite video game is still Space Invaders. And that game came out when I was a little kid, too little to remember. My d-96ream is to have a big family of my own some day. My parents wouldn't care if died today but, I have my Granny. Oh Shit! School! Granny is going to kill me!

I stumble over my words as my shyness peaks through, "M-Mr. Gr-Grey I need to go back to school. I will get in trouble! Granny will kill me!" my voice getting more frantic with every sentence. "Calm down Ava. Lachlan says just as I shiver. "Oh!  I had a chill." I interrupt him. He glances at me but continues talking, "I had a student tell the office we would be out of school for the rest of the day. I said it was historical research for Mizzou".(University Of Missouri) I sigh with relief at the fact I will not get in trouble at school but, Granny is another story.

"I have to be home at my normal time or Granny will call out the National Guard!" I say with intensity. "She's friends with a senator. I know because he called the house one day. I answered the phone and he flirt with me and asked for my vote. Do not under estimate the power of Granny!" I rant then the crickets chirp; if you know what I mean-silence, lots of silence. I blush in embarrassment because of my diarrhea of the mouth and I look out the window like I haven't seen this boring drive a million times.

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