Chapter 10 Closer

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(Music Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell courtesy of YouTube)

Ava's POV *************

I'm in Mr. Greys' classroom grading papers at my desk as usual. He set me up with my own area to work, with a desk next to his. He said it would be easier to work if we are beside each other. I think it's so he can watch over my shoulder, like he does every day!

It's been 2 weeks since I've been Mr. Greys assistant and it is not easy. The work is easy but, dealing with him is a different story all together. He's always watching me, I know it's because he's waiting for me to screw up.  I think he is bipolar or has some other mental disorder. One minute he's an ass, the next he seems tortured, and happy the next. I'm not judging but, I think he needs medication.

I really need this on my college application and his reference so I'm going to continue to endure him. I keep telling myself, It's only for a few months. I can deal with him for that long. He seems harmless but, so bitchy. One second he's nice and the next he's an ass-hat. Whatever, I don't care even if he is the hottest guy I've ever seen! Or the fact that he smells like the ocean breeze! II love the ocean. I was the best part of living in Texas with my mother, not a Mom. My heart aches when painful memories emerge. His face pops in my mind pulling me out of my pain and into my anxiety I have when I am with him. Why does he make me so nervous? I'm biting my thumb nail as I think of him. I will control myself and get over whatever this is...

When he speaks, I sigh in remembrance; his voice makes my heart beat hard in my chest! Umgh!! I grunt in frustration at my predicament as I run my fingers through my unruly strawberry blonde hair.  He's definitely drool-worthy but I refuse to be like everyone else and throw myself at him. I have way too much self respect and, let's face it, not enough experience for someone like him. I'm no fool. I know I could never stand a chance with a guy like him. He can have anyone he wants. I haven't been on a date in my life. I know I'm not ugly but, I know I'm not a model either. Mr. Grey dates model type woman. I can't get anyone to ask me out. All I get are creeps that try to get into my pants, pervs, and smelly freaks. If that's the kind of guys I attract I must be on the ugly side.  So yea, I don't have a chance and I know it.

I stay busy with the work load he has dumped on me. I have graded enough papers to know I do not want to be a teacher. It's so boring. I don't mind the research he has me do. I learn a lot, I enjoy that. The grading of the endless supply of papers for hours upon hours is what did me in. I'm at my desk on Monday after school doing what?.... You guessed it, grading papers. My thoughts of self loathing are interrupted by Mr. Grey's manly voice,"Ava, when you finish grading the pop quiz work on the lesson plans for Missouri Gov." " Yes sir." I reply. I don't know why he picked me for this opportunity because he acts like he can't stand to hear my voice. Every time I talk he looks like he is in pain or something. He is so weird! Come on graduation!

I have to go into the storage closet to get the work sheet for the class. In this little room there 3 walls covered in floor to ceiling shelves with books, papers, boxes with supplies, and the work sheets I need to make copies of. I look all over the room but, can't find the correct one. it must be on the top shelf that I can not reach. I stretch my arms as I push myself up on my tippie-toes. I groan in defeat not being able to still reach the work sheets. I know the only way to get them is to climb. I take off my shoes so I don't get foot prints on the books. I grip on each side take my right foot on the first shelf. So far so good, One more shelf and I can reach the work sheets. I reach up further on the shelf legs, I raise my right foot to put it on the next shelf up when the shelves began to lean forward. I knew there was nothing I could do to stop this disaster, all I could think was " Oh Fuck"!! I close my eyes and cringed as I wait for the painful impact as the shelf slowly moves toward me. As the seconds pass I kept waiting for pain that never came. I was engulfed in warmth? Warmth? Wat the hell? I open my left eye to peak at what was so warm, to my surprise it was Mr. Grey? Wait what? Mr. Grey? I look into his beautiful blue eye and think I see worry? Hugh that's weird why would he worry about me? He was probably worried about the mess it would have made. " TH-thank you." I say as I slide out of his arms as straighten my clothes and put my shoes back on. "Do not do that again!" he scolds me like a child. I lower my head in shame and say laced with guilt, "I'm sorry." I grab the work sheet from his hand and run out of the room in embarrassment leaving him standing there with the most perplexed look on his face.

It's been a few weeks since my graceful moment in the storage room. It's the day after my 18th birthday. It was after school. I was in Mr. Greys' class room alone grading papers and feeling sorry for myself. I was taking my time alone to let out a cry I had been holding in since yesterday when it was bed time and I hadn't heard from my mom or dad. Not a call, card or anything for another birthday. I told Granny I was used to it and brushed it off. I didn't want her to see me upset. She would have called my mom and bitched her out and make her talk to me. Mom would be angry and mean to me so it's not worth it. I didn't expect anything but it still hurts when your parents don't care about you. I was  sitting at my desk with my head down silently crying as my heart ached. In my sadness I didn't hear Mr. Grey open the door and come in. In fact I didn't hear anything at all but, I felt him softly grab my chin lifting my face to look at him. When he sees my face shock, panic, pain, and concern flash through his eyes as he sees my tears. He uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears from my cheeks as he looks at me like he's in pain. In pain? Why is he in pain? Did he hurt himself? I'm in no condition to talk to ask him all I can do is cry. I make a note to ask him later. Mr. Grey picks me up like a child, cupping my thighs in his big hands. I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waste. He pulls me to his chest and holds me as he strokes my hair. I take some deep breaths to calm myself and stop this embarrassing crying in front of the hottest teacher in the world. I inner face-palm. I'm getting snot on his suit. I'm such a idiot! I continue to berry my snotty nose, crying eyes, and pink cheeks in his designer suit jacket not moving. I know as soon as I move my wonderful safe feeling will end and my assistant job will be over so I procrastinate as long as I can. Finally he pulls away his eyes search for something? "I-I'm so sorry about your jacket. I can ask Granny to have it dry-cleaned if you want?" I say softly as I look down at his very interesting button I was nervously twisting on his jacket. I was sitting facing him with my legs spread apart. He lifts my face up to look at me and asks, "What's wrong Ava? Did someone hurt you?" "M-My B-Birthday was yesterday". I stutter and pause talking a breath to gather my courage to continue. "My mom and dad didn't call." I say  looking at the floor with pain embarrassment and shame. Yes my parents didn't care about me and I was ashamed of it. I don't want anyone to know. I hide it from everyone. I have never told anyone and don't know why I told him, the sexy teacher that's mean to me. He pulls me tight to his chest and strokes my hair again. Well, he is usually mean, I don't know what he's doing today! I must admit this feels awesome. I don't think I have ever felt this safe, like I do in his arms. My teacher, Mr. Grey's arms. Holy shit! What am I doing? He could get in serious trouble for this. I push myself away from him climbing off his lap. I straighten my clothes, wipe my face and pat down my hair, "I'm so sorry Mr Grey It wo-" I'm interrupted by him "Lachlan." He says. "Wha?" I barely reply. "Call me Lachlan." He says. "Oh okay Lachlan." I say his name slowly like I'm tasting it. I see him shiver, that's weird it's not cold in here. "I have something for you." Lachlan says as he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small red velvet jewelry box with a red satin bow. I reply, "What's this for?" He says, "It's a little something for your birthday." "Oh thank you,    Lachlan." A small smile graces my face and I untie the ribbon and open the box. Inside is a gold heart-shaped locket . In cursive writing across the heart it said Beloved. "It's beautiful." I saw in aw. "Thank you but, this is too much." I say in shock and aww of this beautiful locket that he spent a lot of money on. "It's made for you, I knew it when I saw it. Let me put it on you." He says as he takes the locket out of the box. I lift my long hair above my neck giving him free view. I hear him take a sharp breath in. Then he gently places the necklace around my neck. His fingers graze the back of my neck sending chills down my spine. I turn to face him with the biggest smile on my face and ask, " how does it look?" "Beautiful." He replies. My face heats up with my blush as I caress the locket I say, "Thank you so much Mr... Lachlan it is beautiful. I will always treasure it." I say as I gather my things and leave the room smiling from ear to ear. As I get in Granny's car to drive home I am so happy I feel like I'm floating. I make a decision, I cannot ever tell anyone about what happened to. No one would understand and he would lose his job because of me. I can't let that happen. I don't want anyone to know anyway. I love my heart locket and I love having a wonderful secret.

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What does the locket mean for them?

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Love y'all 💙,


2007 words

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