"Oh my God! Thank you." a lady cooed, opening her arms wide for Coco to leap into her arms.

Unfortunately, Coco did have a family, which meant that I couldn't keep her. And that was absolutely depressing.

I'm sure my face must have said and displayed my feelings as once the lady has signed the papers and left with a purring Coco, Salvestro turned to me with a frown on his face.

"I know this is hard for you, Bambina." he murmured softly, "But think of it this way. Coco is now back with a family that will have the time to take care of her."

"Yeah I know." I mumbled.

I knew from this morning that we wouldn't be able to keep her. It was common sense.

All of us were too busy to be taking care of a cat, and none of us had a clue as to where to start. Furthermore, if Samantha was literally hyper afraid of cats, and I doubt that my pleading would be an exception.

Salvestro had brought me here just a few hours ago, and we had waited patiently for the cat's owner, who lived all the way in Orlando, to drive down to Miami to pick up her cat. Then when the lady had arrived, she had to answer questions on how her cat got here, why she left her cat here, and so on.

I was sulking on the way back home, already missing my young companion. My mood stayed the same during the entire car ride, and I could tell that it was grating on Salvestro's nerves. However he didn't say anything because he knew how I was feeling.

"Ok, Bambina. We're home." Salvestro murmured softly, and I nodded, climbing out of the passenger seat.

I dragged my feet back up the steps of the garage and into the house, ready to pout my way through dinner.

And that is what I did.

The entire dinner, I was moping - not exactly sulking, but I wasn't exactly eating or talking to anyone. I could tell that no one was happy with my attitude, but I seriously could care less.

For God's sake, I just lost a friend.

Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but Coco and I created a bond within the last twenty-four hours.

Salvatore cleared his throat. "So I guess Coco had a family?"

"Yeah," I replied moodily, "She did."

"Ahh," he nodded sympathetically. "And I'm guessing you're sad because of that?"

What do you think?

Obviously, I did not say that out loud, thinking that my silence would be a good enough answer.

"Oh lighten up, sis!" Sandeo grinned. "Think positive! At least Coco will have a home now. It's better than nothing, am I right?"

I frowned. "But she could've stayed with us."

"And what if Samantha had said no and Coco had no family." he countered. "Then Coco would've had to stay in the shelter for who knows how long."

"Yeah," I agreed, though my tone clearly stated that I did not want to listen to him any longer.

He was now making me feel bad about having selfish thoughts, which was not improving the situation at all. Instead, it was making me feel worse.

Why was I feeling like this? I don't get it.

"I'm going to go up now." I muttered, getting up from my seat. "I think I need some sleep."

Salvatore didn't seem to notice that I wasn't feeling it right now. So, he didn't say anything, just dipped his head in acknowledgment.

I trudged back up the stairs, feeling extremely moody for some unknown reason.

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