RiseLeo x GNReader: Big brother to the rescue

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Request: Lol so many of the things listed on the prompt list I would love to see. I can see some of them being absolutely perfect for Leo and Donnie. But could you do number 43 with Leo and the Reader, where Leo is the one that says he's been practising ways to ask them out in the mirror?

A/N: Hey sorry it's taken me so long to get to your request, I have two more to do after this as well, I took a little break from writing for a few days so I could focus on my uni work. Since I'm on break I thought I'd try to get through as many requests as I possibly could, so I recommend sending them in now if you have any.

43: "I remember practising how to ask you out in the mirror..."


Leo wrangled his fingers together, constantly shuffling from foot to foot. His brows were burrowed in frustration as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, mumbling strangled sentences together.

"Hey (Y/N)~, whatta ya say to-"

"I didn't know there were any angels on earth, but obviously I was wrong~"

"What up toots- Oh god that's awful!"

"Me + you = date? Ew no, now I sound like Donnie."

Leo sighed as he continued to pout in the mirror, his hands now rested by his sides in defeat, moving forward he rested his head against his own reflection "(Y/N), I really like you" he whispered into the quiet air.

"LEO!" Raph yelled from the projector room, Leo shot up his head colliding with the mirror in the process. Grumbling under his breath, Leo walked out of his room harshly pulling the curtain aside. Rubbing his head, he glared at his older brother who was perched on the lounger.

"What?" He hissed out, Raph peered over the chair his eyes widening at the forming bump on Leo's forehead "What happened to you?" He questioned. The red-eared slider marched up to his brother, motioning him to come closer, Raph leaned in clearly engaged. Leo gently placed a hand on Raph's muscled shoulder "I WHACKED MY HEAD ON A MIRROR BECAUSE OF YOUR SCREAMING!" He yelled.

Raph's eyes were wide, his ears constantly ringing like a bomb had just gone off right in front of him. Leo huffed out a breath, his arms now folded over his plastron "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, and please don't need me." he mused, turning around swiftly heading to the kitchen. "What!" Raph yelled, still unable to hear anything.

Heading straight to the freezer to get some ice for his swelling bump, Leo leaned against the counter, cloth of ice in hand. Mikey strolled in with a spring in his step, his eyes traced Leo's form soon landing on the reddening bump "Whew momma, what happened to you?"

"S'nothing," Leo grumbled out, hissing as he pressed the iced cloth to his head. Mikey gave him a sympathetic look but carried on going about the kitchen, Leonardo watched as his youngest brother grabbed various ingredients from different shelves tossing them in the air then gracefully catching them.

"Hey, do you wanna help me make piz-" Mikey turned back to Leon only to notice the space he had been occupying was empty. Mikey's head swivelled around the room "Leo?" perhaps he's playing hide and seek? Mikey thought, shrugging he went back to business.

Walking past Donnie's lab on the way back to his room, he could hear the mad scientist himself laughing uncontrollably. Taking a quick peek into his room, Leo saw Donnie wielding a saw and hammer, purple neon lights covering his reptilian form. Donnie's eyes were covered by his goggles, his teeth rigged and sharp, behind him, was Sheldon laughing too but it seemed more nervous. Leo continued to stare at what he assumed was his adoptive brother, because there was no way could he be related to that.

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