Everything Ends: Part 5

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With The Turtles

The air was tense, no one had said a thing while the Turtle Tank drove along the ruined tunnels of New York. Everyone was on edge, but more importantly, they were all hurting. Mikey and Donnie had just lost their older brother, Casey had lost the hope of saving the future and Leo?

He not only lost his brother and his chance to make a change, but he also lost you.

"Ugh, I can't take it anymore, the silence is killing me!" Mikey cried out, more so out of frustration than any pent-up sadness and anger. Donnie nodded his head, flicking his eyes between the road and his younger brother, "For once I agree with 'anglo, we need to just- we need to talk about what's happening, what's going to happen."

"I already told you, I have a plan." Leo moaned out, his glare pointed at his own reflection in the large windows of the Turtle Tank. The lack of light in the underground allowed his figure to be extremely visible, and therefore, allowed him to criticise everything that he despised about himself.

The Turtle Tank swerved and stuttered as it made it through narrow archways, eventually though, Donnie was able to navigate the group towards Raph's location. Leo flicked his hand up in the air, in a very 'I-told-you-so' manner, "See? Smooth sailing. We'll have Raph in no time."

"I hope he's okay." Mikey mewled, "What are we gonna do when we find him once we get there?" he turned to the brainiest turtle of the bunch, but Donatello could only shrug. Donnie tried his best to turn his attention to Leo, but in the end, he decided to speak over his shoulder, "I have many questions regarding 'once we get there'."

"I said I've got a plan, you guys need to relax." the reluctant leader groaned, but his words didn't provide the hope his brothers were expecting. Throughout the journey Casey remained quiet, he couldn't help but feel guilty for all that transpired. Sure, he wasn't the catalyst, and the Kraang invasion was bound to happen.


Raph was never taken in his timeline, you and Leo never broke up in his timeline, Leo wasn't this...careless in his timeline. Everything was the same, and yet so very, very different. Casey noticed the ungrateful looks passed his way by the so-called Leader in blue, it hurt to see someone who meant so much to him treat him like the dirt he walked on. Maybe Master Leonardo was wrong, he was mistaken to send Casey and should have come back himself.

"Casey!" Leo shouted, grabbing the teen's attention. The boy jolted awake, scratching the back of his head out of awkwardness, "Yes, sorry?"

"I said, 'do you know how and where the Kraang keep their victims?'" Leo mumbled out, still not overly joyed by Future Boys presence. Casey shook his head, "No, the Kraang don't take prisoners."

That really boosted morale.

The air went still once more, maybe everyone was mulling over the upcoming dread. Casey kept offering glances to Leo, eventually, the red-eared slider caught on and snapped, "What?"

Casey jumped at the raised tone, wringing his hands together to calm his nerves. He looked towards the ground, fighting what he originally intended to say, but his mother raised no liar, "A-are you and (Y/N) going to be okay?"

At the mere mention of your name, Leo's whole body deflated. He slouched back into Raph's command chair, he looked ever so small against its large stature. A few tears threatened to fall but he held them back, be emotionless like Donnie he'd repeat to himself like a mantra.

"I-I don't know," he eventually said, his voice sorrowful. He looked up to Casey with defeated eyes, "What were we like in the future?" God did Casey not want to relive seeing your death play in his mind, he also couldn't tell Leo that you died; maybe he lacked the courage to do so.

"I-" he paused, "You were like my parents, you raised me when my own mother passed. You taught me how to be a strong warrior and (Y/N) taught me how to love and be hopeful even when all was lost."

Leo smiled at that, you always had strong morals, always had a deep sense of hope and that everything would work out in the end. Maybe this was another test, another one of life's ways to see if you and Leo were truly meant to be. But if you were together in the future then surely everything must work out in the end.

Then something daunting arose in the dark caverns of Leo's mind: Were. You were like my parents, not you're. Past tense.

Leo slowly turned to Casey with wide eyes, "Y-you said were?"

"Huh?" Casey hummed, trying his hardest not to let such a secret slip. Leo shook his head and pointed an accusing finger at Casey, "You said were, we were like your parents. Casey, what happens to me and (Y/N) in the future?"

Casey started to sweat, it was at times like these that he wished he shaved his hair like his mother. Just as he opened his mouth the vehicle stopped and Donnie's voice cut the tension, "We're here!"

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