Goodbye Leonardo: Part 2

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Request: Leo × reader (Goodbye pt. 2)? Been sitting here waiting for it for 5 years lol.

A/N: Okay, okay, you'll get your stinking part 2. This is probably one of the most requested fics I've ever done, the original intention was to leave it as a standalone fic. But, because you all seem eager for more I eventually broke and decided to do it. This is set a few years after the original and doesn't follow the episode 'Broken Foot' like the original oneshot. In my opinion, it's also waaay more angsty and it might actually be sadder than the first one. So I hope the wait was worth it, enjoy!


Goodbye Leonardo

It kept repeating in his head, constantly mocking him as he went about his day. His training sessions were fueled by his anger, his anger towards Karai, his brothers, April, but mainly towards himself. How could he have let this get so far, losing the only person that meant more to him than all the Space Hero episodes in the world. Meditation was a lost cause, all it brought up was memories of you, the way you smiled and laughed when he said something dumb, the sparkle in your eyes, the feeling of you close to him; he missed it all. He missed you.

What was worse was knowing you were out there, of course, he'd never wish you to be dead, but at least then he knew he couldn't hate himself more for not going to see you. In the beginning, he had tried to apologise to you, begging you to open your window at night, thousand upon thousands of texts and calls; but it all fell of deaf ears. You didn't want to talk to him, didn't want to interact with him and he knew and understood why, but he just wanted to apologise.

He just wanted you to scream at his face and tell him how much of a bad person he was, maybe punch him in the jaw for the way he treated you. But no, all you left was a voice message, your calming voice laughing at him as he slept. He got more cranky, everybody noticed that, a lot more reckless too. He'd be late to train with his brothers, sometimes not show up to missions, arguments between him and his brother Raph would rage on and on; days at a time.

It got to the point where Leo was denounced as being team leader, Splinter saw that his son wasn't fit to carry the title. At first, Raph has crowned the new king, but that soon fell apart. His constant rage and impatience led to a lot of problems. One mission had ruined it all, the boys were sent to stop a Krang meet up, two dangerous members of the Krang army were sharing parts for a doomsday device; nothing they haven't handled before. Oh, how that night took a turn for the worse.

Leo had never shown up leaving only three out of the four brothers available, Raph didn't have a plan instead opting to spontaneously jump at them from a high advantage point. Donnie said the idea would never work, he was right. The boys got absolutely battered, the Krang called in reinforcements, too many for the three of them to handle. Over the years they had been perfecting their weapons, upgrade after upgrade to their robotical limbs. Sacrifices had to be made.

Leo came out of his room, burying his palms into the balls of his eyes, wiping away the sleep; but the bags stilled remained. He stumbled into the kitchen, glaring at the rickety light flickering haphazardly. Donnie sat on one of the bar stools, a screwdriver in one hand while he tinkered on the other, his tongue poking out through his lips in concentration. Leo shuffled to the fridge and grabbed some milk, shutting the door, he moped to the small range of cereals.

"How's the arm?" he muttered, pouring away. Donnie flicked his head up at the sound, he looked back to the shining metal, wiggling his fingers as he spoke "I've made some slight upgrades to it, nothing too major though." Leo had finally turned to face his brother, shoving a portion of cereal into his mouth "What happened again?" he asked, although his tone lacked curiosity. Donnie released a sigh, picking up the screwdriver again as he pottered away, "Me and Mikey were near that creak a few miles from town, I got some water in the circuits, sorta fried everything."

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