Everything Ends: Part 6

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Back at the lair

"Soooo, what do we do with this thing?" April questioned, holding the key up in her hand. You and Splinter stood beside the teen, while Splinter choose to tug on his beard in thought, you were still processing certain events.

"We could always burn it, fire gets rid of everything." Splinter rushed out, rather suspiciously. April sent him a side eye, "Uuh huh, I don't even wanna know."

She turned to you with a bright smile, "What about you, (Y/N)? Got any good ide-" her voice faded out. April tilted her head in sympathy, her brows were furrowed and her lips were jutting out. She turned to Splinter who shared a similar look, he waved his hands in a 'go-talk-to-them' motion.

"Hey, you ok?" April eventually asked after a blanket of silence enclosed the room, you sighed but slowly nodded your head, "Yeah," you all but whispered out. Another shared look. April placed the key down and walked over to you, offering you a warm smile, "Hey, I've known Leo for practically my entire life. He's going to come around, heck, he probably didn't mean it! He's always so into his own mind, maybe he didn't even realise what you said?"

"No, April. He knew exactly what I said, and yet, he still left. I know it was a shitty thing to do, to make him choose, but what else could I have done; he threw a katana at me, April. A katana!"

April shook her head in disapproval, even Splinter piped up, "Blue was wrong, there is no doubt about it. But I raised him better than this, whatever has come over him will fade. I only hope he realises this soon."

The room fizzled into a quiet atmosphere, the only sounds audible were that of the leaky pipes and honking from taxis above ground. You were all standing around the key, April had previously pulled up a whiteboard, simply titled 'Mission: Key Master' and began jotting down any ideas she could think of.

She then turned to you and Splinter, her hip jutting out, "C'mon guys, I can't be the only one coming up with good ideas...well, ideas."

"Magma!" Splinter shouted out, you shook your head, "No, no, what we need is acid."

"Acid? Are you kidding me?" Splinter laughed, "We need to up the ante, we need a black hole!" You and April both shared a look, "What about the toaster? It burns bread, why not a mystic, alien key?" April added.

"A wet punch!"

"A big hammer!"


"A jackhammer!"


"Have we seriously got no good ideas, like really a wet punch? You thought that would work?" (Y/N) glared at Splinter, "Hey, April said we needed ideas, she never clarified whether they had to be good!"

"Guys, guys, we gotta stop fighting, it'll get us nowhere." April chided, she rubbed her hands over her face, dragging her eyes as she glared at the key. You sighed, softening your shoulders, "You're right. I'm sorry Splints, I guess with everything happening I'm just...on edge."

"I believe I owe an apology to you too, I am sorry I raised my voice."

"See? Look what happens when we work together as a team, not fighting like some Z-list bad guys. Now c'mon, we're gonna figure this thing out even if it's the last thing I do!"

A red blaring light flashed haphazardly, illuminating everything in a warning sign. A loud siren bleeds through the air, invading your hearing which caused you to wince, "What's happening!" you cried out. One of the numerous monitors in the lair lit up with a camera feed displaying the secret entrance, and it looks like you had a few visitors.

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