2/2 OF Just Trying To Relax

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The sun beamed through your poorly made curtains, as loud car horns could be heard disrupting your sleep. A groan was released from your throat as your eyes slowly blinked open, you gradually started to lean up from your couch and glanced around the place. Pizza boxes and two large bottles littered the floor as well as some CDs and cushions, you groaned again at the mess and rubbed your forehead in pain. I'm never drinking again you promised to yourself.

You steadily made it to your bathroom and stared at yourself in the mirror, god you looked awful. Your hair was shooting out in different directions, some dried drool was down your chin and partially on your shirt, you didn't get all your makeup off apparently as some black mascara was smugged around your eyes like a panda. You shivered as you continued to gawk at yourself, pushing yourself away from that disgrace you shuffled into your kitchen and poured yourself a cup of water from the tap.

Rummaging around in one of the bottom cupboards for some magical hangover pills, ass in the air you failed to notice the looming presence behind you. "Well, this is a strange hello." The voice said, in your startled state you hit your already throbbing head against the cupboard standing up straight to face the perpetrator. Leo, who was just smirking, quickly frowned and came over to you apologising over and over again for scaring you. You pushed it off as though it was nothing and apologised for your appearance "No need to apologise, I am definitely not complaining." He teased, your face flushed pink as you eyed him and sipped your water.

"So," he started walking around your living room flicking open the pizza boxes "How was last night?" he said with a smile, your eyes widened "What did I do?" you asked already embarrassed. He chuckled and picked up one of the empty bottles on the floor, inspecting it like you tried to do last night, he glanced at you then back at the bottle "Well, it's not so much what you did than what you said." Your breathing started to pick up while you followed with your eyes every movement the red-stripped turtle made. You placed a hand on your hip trying to look calm and collected when really your brain was overheating like crazy "Okay then what did I say?"

He waited for a few minutes, carefully going over his words. Okay just tell her you know who her crush is and then when she says the name you can either be disappointed or happy, yeah let's do that-

"I know I'm your favourite turtle."

-Idiot! Did I really just do that, come on man you had a plan how do you mess up that bad! Leo scolded himself mentally while awaiting some sort of response from you. You stared off into the carpet a smile breaking out onto your face at least it wasn't the other thing you praised. You waltzed up to him "Well, of course, you're my favourite turtle doofus" you flicked his forehead. You plopped yourself on the couch "Gee if that's all I said I must be a pretty bad drunk." You joked. "Yeah, well that's not everything." He continued.

You looked at him confused "What do you mean, there's more?" Leo sat next to you rubbing the back of his neck nervously "You maybe also sorta told me who your crush was." He was lying of course but you didn't know that he just needed the name; your face darkened rivalling Raph's red mask. You began to stutter and jumble your words, not making eye contact with Leon "I'm sorry you had to find out that way," Leo looked at you confused, what were you on about?

"Well, what do you think?" You asked him, he looked alarmed for a minute. He glimpsed at every object in the room trying to avoid your gaze, his throat was suddenly very dry. "I-I-what?" He questioned, still very confused by what had just proceeded. You stared blankly at him "Leo, I like you." You stated, his mouth was agape as his cheeks turned to a bright red matching the stripes that adorned his face. At least it wasn't any of his brothers.

Leo had been quiet for a few minutes and that worried you, he was never quiet. His name had softly fallen from your lips bringing his attention back to you, "You probably hate me now right? I made it weird between us." You pitied yourself. You really shouldn't be having this type of conversation when you're still hungover. "Hate you?" Leon laughed, a hand place over his eyes as he rolled onto his back in full hysterics. "How could I hate you when I like you too, doofus."

"Wait, really?" You asked, hopeful. Leo nodded his head repeatedly smiling at you, even in your current state. "So there's nothing weird between the two of us?" You gestured with a finger the space between you both, Leon simply shook his head as he shuffled closer to you "So there's going to be a movie in the park tonight, pretty sure it's a Lou Jitsu film. Would you like to go with me to see it?" You pondered over his proposal, you were obviously going to say yes but seeing this confident, cocky turtle become a puddle of anxiety-ridden mush was kind of amusing to you.

"I'd love to Leonardo." Using his full name brought a smile to his face, he leaned in closer to you, you copying his actions. "Is this okay?" He whispered you hummed a response as your lips connected in a sweet embrace.

Later that day Leo went back to the lair, a proud grin on his face as his brothers stared at him in confusion. "What's up with little miss sunshine?" Donnie asked sarcastically, Leo turned and finger gunned Donnie "Nothing, can't I just be happy dear brother of mine?"

"Oh, something good happened! What happened? Tell me everything!" Mikey launched himself onto Leon, grabbing him by the shoulders. Leo laughed "Okay chill guys, I'll spill, I'll spill." He shoved Mikey off of him and leaned against his sword, a smug look on his face. "Who's got two thumbs and a date tonight? This guy!" He pointed at himself, Donnie groaned "Seriously? Who would date you?" Leon turned to face Donnie "The most beautiful woman in all of New York City." He gushed.

"The statue of liberty?"


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