HC 26: First kiss

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Request: Hello Milky, can you do an HC Rottmnt x reader of what the turtles first kiss reactions be like?

A/N: Just want to say a quick thank you! This will be my 100th part in this book and I can't believe we've gone this far, and yet, I don't plan on stopping! Thank you all for following me along this journey, here's to the next 100!

Raph: ❤️

🔴 He was tired from a bunch of missions they had gone on previously, falling asleep at the commanding seat in the turtle tank, passing out while making breakfast and napping while fighting Buddy in training matches.

🔴 All in all, Raph wasn't himself.

🔴 You had gone to the lair in hopes of knocking some sense into him, getting him to take it easy for the next for days...or weeks in his case.

🔴 You had found him lounging around on the reclining chair in the projector room, a comic lazily leaning against his fingers while he flipped through with a tired yawn.

🔴 "Raph," your voice alerted him, his posture suddenly becoming straighter.

🔴 You sat beside him on the chair as best as you could, rubbing a soothing hand up his arm.

🔴 "Buddy, you need to get some sleep. You could carry my shopping with the size of those bags under your eyes." you teased.

🔴 Raph let out a small chuckle, eyes blinking slowly, "Ha ha, (Y/N), but I'm- fine. Raph doesn't need.. sleep." he drowsily spoke.

🔴 He pulled his arms around you without thinking, too tired to accommodate his actions.

🔴 Pulling you up to his chest, you could faintly feel Raph's breath fan across your lips.

🔴 "You're pretty," he mumbled out, a sweet smile on his face. Your cheeks illuminated a bright pink, quietly thanking him for the unexpected comment.

🔴 Closing his eyes, Raph leaned up and lightly kissed you right on the lips, you were stunned, to say the least.

🔴 He didn't linger, instead opting to flatten his head against the softening recliner and snore his little heart out.

🔴 You smiled down at him with love and got comfortable, you wouldn't be leaving for a while.

Leo: 💙

🔵 You had lost a basketball game against Leo, to put it simply. He was parading around the court, body draped in the moonlight while he cheered and roared out his victory.

🔵 "Oh-ho-ho, better luck next time, (Y/N)." he teased, spinning around you with a proud smile. Stopping with a halt, he looked down into your eyes and smirked.

🔵 Unsure what he was thinking, you pushed him away in defeat, "Whatever, man, you probably cheated or somethin'." you groaned. Leo looked almost amused, practically bursting at the seams.

🔵 What had gotten into him, was winning not enough for him? Did he really have to gloat about it too?

🔵 Stepping back in front of you, Leo tapped a finger against his lips, eyes shining with mischief.

🔵 "Don't tell me you forgot our little bet, hm?" he jested.Your eyes widened at the realisation, of course! How could you forget!

🔵 You had been overly confident, cocky to put it straight, thinking you would win against Leo.

🔵 You had made a small bet, if he won you'd give him a kiss, if you won he'd have to teleport you to anywhere in the world for the day. Of course, he had to win!

🔵 Puckering up his lips, Leo awaited the feeling of your plush lips against his. When he opened his eyes just a smidge, not even realising they were closed, you pushed your lips against his.

🔵 He became a blushing mesh after it was done, stuttering, tripping over, generally being a goof, "Yo-you've got n-nice lips?"

Donnie: 💜

🟣 You had come to the lair after an urgent call from Donnie, something about the world splitting in half if he messed up some experiment.

🟣 So with a rush in your step, you quickly made it to his lab and threw the doors wide open, "I'm here!" you shouted, jostling the poor soft-shell turtle while he worked.

🟣 He blinked his eyes up at you, covered slightly by his crooked goggles.

🟣 "Ahh, yes, good. You made it, j-just in time." he stuttered out, nervous for some reason; probably because the world could end by his hands if he messed up.

🟣 Approaching his desk, you looked over his shoulder to see a simple rubex cube, it's sides organised perfectly in the correct colours.

🟣 "This is what's gonna end the world?" you mused. Donnie rolled his eyes at the comment, placing the cube down he swivelled his chair towards you.

🟣 "Actually, I might have...dramatised the whole end of the world thing." he admitted, a rosy blush tinting his cheeks.

🟣 "Then why did you say the world was going to end with one of your experiments?"

🟣 "Because I haven't started the experiment yet." he stated flatly. He tilted his head, silently asking for permission to do something. You nodded thinking he would commence the experiment.

🟣 Without warning, Donnie stood up and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was quick but that doesn't mean it wasn't lovely.

🟣 Pulling away, you smiled up at him, "How was that going to end the world?"

🟣 "It would have ended mine if you pushed me away."

Mikey: 🧡

🟠 You had created a mess in the lair's kitchen, flour decorated the sides of the walls, water was dripping onto the floor from the overflowing sink and just about everything that could go wrong...went wrong.

🟠 You and Mikey wanted to do some baking, seems simple enough?

🟠 WRONG! you had failed to take into account that you would get so easily side-tracked by the box turtle that the kitchen would become a fiery mess.

🟠 Currently, said turtle, was chasing you around the room with a wooden spoon covered in icing.

🟠 A promise that he would dump it onto your face much like you had done to him moments ago.

🟠 He had cornered you in the pantry, wooden spoon waving in his hands, a devilish smirk adorning his lips, "Gotcha!" he laughed.

🟠 He wrapped his arm around your side, blocking you from moving, with a swiftness only a ninja could have, he dolloped a small bit of icing on the tip of your nose.

🟠 You were both so close to each other, practically breathing in each other's air. You had leant forward without thinking, taking his lips between yours with little care for the repercussions.

🟠 Mikey had dropped the spoon and embraced you without question. Pulling away, he swiped the small blob of icing from your nose and teasingly smiled at you, "You taste delicious."

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