Everything Ends: Part 13

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Inside the Spaceship

Large rocks and debris floated through the air, they all seemed to circle the large ship that was slowly sinking through the gaping hole split in the sky. The three brothers tried their best to keep up with one another, leaping from rock to rock as they grew closer to the ship's surface.

"I wish my tech was working, usually my cardio is on the more jetpack-assisted side." Donnie groaned out, clutching and clawing onto a softly spinning boulder. Once the brothers infiltrated the Kraang's ship, they stuck to the shadows like their father had taught them.

The inside of the ship was gooey, with walls covered in slime and a dank smell in the air. It was dark too. Dark enough that the multiple tunnels that lay in front of them were cast into the night, but light enough that if they squinted sufficiently they could see their three fingers in front of their faces.

"Hey, is it too late to be on April's team?" Donnie whispered, head furrowed between his shoulders. Leo groaned but ignored him, he was quite surprised he could manage that, to be fair. With all the times he's back-chatted Donnie, who knew he could hold back a mean comment?

Flicking his gaze over his shoulder, Leo barked out some commands, "You two go look for a way to hijack this ship." Mikey perked up at that, "What will you do?" Leo frowned, jumping down from their hiding position and landing on the ground with perfect balance. He whipped out his katanas, the sound of metal against metal slicing through the air, "I'm going to find Raph." he said, determined.

Once Leo had left, Mikey turned to his older brother, who was staring intently at the tech in front of them. Flipping his gaze between the two, Mikey rubbed a spot on his head, lips in a pout, "How are we supposed to hijack this thing?"

Donnie rubbed his chin in deep thought, "Hmmm, best guess is the main console." then his brows crinkled, "Unfortunately, its occupado!" he pointed a long finger towards the Kraang, who sat comfortably amongst the console of the Technodrome.

A looming shadow grew over the pair, neither one paying enough attention until they could see the slightest bit of movement from the corner of their eyes. Sharing a look of dread, Mikey let out a screeching "RUN!"


Elsewhere, Leo was running and ducking through countless tunnels, so many he had actually forgotten which way was left and which way was right. After passing through what could only be his fourth circle of the same inky black cave, Leo stood still.

He wasn't even aware he was panting until he could feel the rapid beatings of his heart bursting out of his plastron. Slumping his shoulders, Leo closed his eyes and just breathed. And soon, his heart slowed to a rheumatic beat. His mind was clear and his senses were more alert, Master Splinter had always warned him that he often lets the world and its circumstances overpower his mind.

Sometimes Leonardo just needed to stop and breathe, allowing himself some time to think and feel. Maybe his father wasn't as bad as a sensei as he thought, he stowed away a reminder in his head to ask Splinter for some more breathing techniques when all this was over.

Flicking his eyes open so casually as though he had just woken up from a sweet dream, an imminent yellow light presented itself. Tracking it through the caves led Leo to a spacious room full of pink vines and large purple windows. Shifting his attention to the eye in the sky, a small chortle switched his attention to the unknown presence in the room.

With a smirk, Leo placed one of his katanas back in its sheath, while the other lay pointed at the Kraang leader himself. With doe eyes, Leo swirled the tip of the blade in the air in a mocking offence, "Surprise!" he teased. His face then hardened much like his voice, "I've come for my brother." there would be no negotiations.

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