Chapter 6: The Second Drawing

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     It was dark and cold, the air was chilly and the ground crunched underneath her feet as she walked around the snow. She was surrounded by tall, thin trees, she continued to walk around until she saw something, something moved in the snow, whatever it was it moved a little fast.

She heard a hum as if this thin or person were wielding a lightsaber. She began to hear crackling and as she walked closer and closer, the sounds got louder. Then she saw it. He was looking at her, it was a tall figure dressed in black armor, he wore a raggedy scarf around him and wore a hood over his face, only his face wasn't there, instead he wore an armored mask made from steel and a dark color of black. She took a few steps closer, he didn't move.

"Aren't you afraid?," he said.

"No," she said.

He immediately grabbed his lightsaber from his hilt and ignited it to reveal a red, crackling blade. She looked at his saber and noticed that she had never seen his type of saber before. It was a cross-bladed saber. He took a few steps closer to her. She didn't flinch, not even a little. He looked down at her.

"My name is Alix," she told him.

"Do you know who I am ?," he said.

She shook her head.

"I am Kylo Ren," he said and the dream disappeared.

She woke up, she sat up slowly and thought of the stranger she had met. Kylo Ren. That name sounded very familiar to her, as if she had known that name her whole life, but where could she have heard it? She didn't know, but she had an idea. She would draw out her dream again, she thought that if she drew out her dream then maybe her parents might know who this person was.

She slowly and quietly got out of bed so she wouldn't have to wake her parents, she grabbed her shoes and left the room. She grabbed some drawing paper and her colors and began drawing. She sketched out the tall figure and colored in his black armor, the raggedy hood and scarf and his armored mask.

Then she started to draw his cross-bladed lightsaber, as she did she remembered the way it moved and the sound of it crackling. She drew the background. The tall, thin trees, the snow on the ground and snow that was falling above, and once she was finished she looked at her drawing and put it in her pocket.

Alix waited for her parents to wake up, but she remembered that she had woken up a lot earlier than everyone else so it was going to be a while. She stepped outside to figure out the time and it was that time when everyone should start to wake up, the sun was showing through the trees blinding her. She ran back inside and sat in the floor but she remembered that she left her colors on the ground. She went to pick them up and put them back in her shelf.

This time Ben was the first one to wake up, he sat up and noticed that Alix wasn't in bed and that she had already woken up. He got out of bed and put on his boots, a loose gray t-shirt and his jacket. He looked at Rey who was still sleeping, he bent down brushed her face with the tip of his fingers and placed a kiss on her neck and walked away.

He walked out to find Alix sitting by the holochess table, she noticed him quickly, ran towards him and pressed their heads together.

"You're up early," he said.

"I had another dream early," she told him. "I drew a picture of it, you wanna see?


She grabs the drawing from her pocket, unfolds it and shows it to Ben, he takes a look at it and his face suddenly drops.

What he saw was something that he hoped he would never have to see again. It was a man, dressed in black armor, wielding a red lightsaber and wearing an armored mask. He knew that this wasn't any man, this man was him. He looked at the picture and then he looked back at Alix.

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