Chapter 3: The Trial

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The day was finally here.

The day of Ben Solo's trial case and Rey was more nervous than she had ever been before. He had been here for two weeks, and it took that long to get a trial ready. She was walking back in forth around the Falcon worried about what would happen, luckily Poe said she could come to the trial but wasn't allowed to say anything, which made her feel more nervous, what if Ben said something wrong how would she be able to defend him.

She tried to clear her mind of anything bad happening, but how could she, and to make matters worse she thought everything he had done as Kylo Ren. When he killed innocents and destroyed small villages and almost killed her and her friends. But Kylo Ren was dead and Ben Solo was alive and here, he was here with her.

She walked out from the Falcon where she met Finn and Poe who were talking.

"Where is he?" She asked.

Poe and Finn looked at her.

"He's waiting in the trial room right now, and besides this whole thing starts in 15 minutes," Finn said.

"Well who's going to be judging him?"

"Your looking at one of the judges," Poe said.

Rey quickly looked at him with surprise and shock, he was going to be a judge?

"You're kidding, right?"

"Well it's me, Commander D'Acy and Lieutenant Connix."

"D'Acy and Connix I'm not worried about, it's you."

"Why are you worried about me?"

"You hate Ben more than anyone and you'll try to make sure he's guilty, but you have to promise me that you'll do a fair trial." She said.

Poe looked at her then he looked at Finn who nodded his head.

"Fine, I'll be fair."

She smiled and gave him a hug and the three of them left for the trial.


Rey watched as Poe, D'Acy and Connix took their seats, she wasn't as nervous as before but still. Finn was standing next to her so she felt glad that someone was with her, then she saw him. Two Resistance troopers brought out Ben before everyone. Rey could hear everyone whispering, "Why did she bring him here, what if he destroys us, he's the one who saved Rey from death, don't be too hard on him he did help Rey defeat the emperor." She heard all the whispers, she even had some eyes looking at her. Then the trial began.

"Everyone please be silent as the trial on Ben Solo previously known as Kylo Ren shall start," said D'Acy. "Before we begin this will be a short trial as being apart of the Resistance Council each member may ask one question to the accused which will determine in the end whether he is guilty or not."

Rey was apart the fourth member of the council, now she knew why Poe told her she wasn't to say anything, instead she continued to listen.

Then Connix rose from her seat, "Ben do swear to the council that during this trial you will tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"

He looked up and said, "I swear."

"Let the trial begin then," D'Acy said. "First question shall go to General Dameron."

Poe didn't hesitate to ask his question, "During your time as Kylo Ren, you had destroyed many villages and towns and killed innocent men, women and children, even on your rampage on Jakku you killed many civilians who were of none of your concern, why did you do it?"

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