Chapter 9: Welcome Home Alix

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When the Falcon made it back to the base, everyone cheered and was glad that Rey and Ben had come back in one piece. Ben walked out and was greeted by Poe and Finn.

"Glad your back in one piece," Poe said.

"It's good to be back," Ben said.

"Next time you go on a mission, take the porg with you. It drove everyone nuts with its chirping," Poe said.

Ben just laughed at him.

"Where's Rey?" Finn asked.

"She's getting something really quick," he said.

They all saw Rey step out from the Falcon but as Poe and Finn came towards her they noticed that she was carrying something in her arms that was wrapped in a white blanket.

"What is that?" Poe asked.

"That would be my baby," she said.

She removed the blanket that was covering Alix and revealed her to everyone, they crowded over her. Everyone smiled. She cooed at them and waved her hands around at them.

Ben then pushed the crowd away, "Okay, I think we should take her to Doctor Kalonia just to make sure she's all right. —

They brought Alix to the doctor to have her examined. As the doctor did so she also had Rey laying on the medical table to examine her as well.

"The baby seems to be in good health, she's got healthy bone structure and a clean system. For mom however your whole system is okay, except for your uterus. It looks like when you were giving birth you were putting pressure on the uterus and it gave out. Your uterus is dead, I'm sorry."

Rey looked at her baby and then she looked at Ben.

"What does that mean for me?" she asked.

"It just means that since your uterus has completely shut down, it won't produce anymore eggs and you can't have anymore children."

Rey looked down at Alix who was sucking on her hand.

"I do have to say though that this baby is your miracle child, she's a survivor," she said.

Alix was lying on her back with only her diaper on and was kicking her legs around and waving her hands up and down and making cooing sounds. Ben looked Alix and smiled at her.

Rey looked at her and was playing with her hands.

"Now, I do need a blood sample from the baby, but I need someone to hold her so I can just do a quick little transfusion," the doctor said.

"What is the blood transfusion for?" Ben asked.

"Well, it's only to make sure that the baby has a healthy blood flow, there's no clotting or any sort of diseases or bacteria in the blood. If she were born here she wouldn't need it until she was about a month old," she grabbed a syringe from her drawer. "But since she was born in a dirty environment we need to make sure that she hasn't already processed any diseases or germs."

Ben could tell from Rey's face that she didn't want to do this, the baby was only a day old and it seemed a little too early to do a transfusion. Rey looked at him, but he nodded at her and gave her an it's-going to-be-okay expression.

Rey was a little shocked but picked up Alix hesitantly and lifted her up, the doctor took the needle and put it in her leg causing her to start crying. Rey then grabbed the baby and started to cradle her telling her that she was alright and that the pain was over. The baby calmed down a little but was still whimpering. The doctor entered the sample and calculated it in the computer.

The One (EDITED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora