Chapter 10: The Final Duel

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   Garrick pulled out a control switch and pressed the button and then suddenly all of the domed huts began to blow up one by one. The ground started to shaky and almost everyone lost their balance. There was smoke and debris everywhere, no one could see anything. Garrick grabbed Alix by her arms and began to pull her away.

"Keep them distracted, it's time I collect my prize," he said.

Alix tried to pull back away from him but it was no use, if only her hands were free then she could push him away with using the Force and run off. She tried screaming for her parents but it useless, they couldn't here her from all the explosions going off. She watched as six troopers came charging at Rey and Ben, they ignited their sabers and fought back, they wouldn't be able to notice her being dragged away.

Garrick pulled her harder and he was squeezing her arm really tight that she thought her arm might lose its blood flow, she looked down at where he was grabbing her arm and without hesitating she bit his hand, she bit him so hard that she left calluses and a little bruise on and in his hand, he screamed in pain and she immediately took off running into the woods.

"You stupid, insolent, little brat!," he yelled as she ran.

She ran so fast that she didn't even look behind her to see if he was following her, but she knew she needed to be as far away from Garrick as possible. She ran. Never stopping.

He quickly ran after her and tried to follow her path, but he lost sight of her after she was no longer to be seen. He grew frustrated and just kept going straight, assuming that was the direction she went in.

Rey and Ben continued to fight the troopers, they only took down two and there were still four more to go.

Rey fought only one while the other three fought Ben, Rey swing her saber back and forth as the trooper closed in on her. She grew tired and frustrated, the trooper swung at her with his spear and cut the side of her face, she stumbled backwards but regained her balance.

Ben on the other hand was only down to two troopers, only he had a harder time trying to get rid of these guys than the others. He blocked their hits and strikes, one of them came up to him to stab him in the chest but Ben grabbed the spear, pun around stabbed the trooper in the chest who fell dead. Now he only had to deal with one, he looked to his right to find Rey kill her last trooper. She came to his aid and they fought the last trooper.

It was a back and forth fight, but they managed to win this fight together, the trooper then pushed them both to the ground. They fell hard on their sides, Ben looked at Rey for a quick second. He grabbed her by her back and spun her around and she kicked the trooper in the chest and onto the ground, but he got right back up, Rey and Ben grew frustrated and tired.

This trooper would just not go down, it was non-stop. Their daughter was in danger and they were still fighting the same trooper, this was starting to agitate them. Rey was knocked to the ground again, leaving Ben to fight the trooper, she landed hard on her side, which caused her to probably bruise her side.

She turned over and watched as Ben took on the trooper, her saber was thrown to the side. Ben blocked the troopers spear but was sidetracked when the trooper punched him across the face knocking his saber out of his hand and pushing him to the ground. He turned on his back and watched as the trooper was about to bring his spear down into his stomach when he was shot backward and landed in the ground with a spear sticking out through the front and back of his chest. Ben turned around and saw Rey clutching her side and standing up. She walked over to him and reached her hand out to help him up.

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