Chapter 4: Discovery

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Three days after that night, Rey was getting ready for her training with Ben. He was in the forest waiting for her, as she was getting ready she put her hair up, put on a white tunic, grey cargo pants and her grey boots. She grabbed her lightsaber and took off. She had to run so far that she almost got lost, why did Ben have to have her train far away from the base? She didn't know, but what she did know was that she had a feeling that something important was going to happen and it was going to happen today.

     She finally found him. He was wearing a gray t-shirt, black cargo pants and his black boots. He was sitting on an old tree trunk waiting for her. It seemed as if he had been waiting there all day.

"You're finally here," he said.

"Well I wasn't gonna make you wait out here all day until nightfall." She said.

He smiled at her.

He grabbed his saber from his hilt and began the training.

"In order for you to have your target where you want them you need to know where your target is going to strike, that is what your lesson will be today."

"I've been doing that with the training droid, I have the marks to prove it."

"That's a droid, your going to try it on me," he said. "You've been training with a machine for your target when you should've been using a human for your target."

"You want me to train on you," she asked. "What if I hurt you?"

"You won't, because I'll be attacking and you'll be defending."

"Got it," she said.

They both ignited their lightsabers and Rey put on a training helmet to shield her face. She was told to stand in the middle of the woods and keep her focus only on him. Then he attacked, she blocked his blow quickly but she also laggered and fell on her back. She got back up on her feet and kept going.

Every strike, every blow he threw at her made her more and more nervous.

"Relax your mind, I can feel your anxiety," he said.

She tried. But that just made it worse. Then they were on top of a tree bridge over a raveen, that made her anxiety worse, he told her not to focused much on her balance of the tree and just to focus on him. When they finally made it to the other side, she took his advice and began to block his blows, even if she was still unbalanced she tried her best to block him.

When she thought she had the upper move, she underestimated him. He knocked her back with his fist which made her fall chest first into the ground, now that hurt a lot.

She removed the helmet and looked up at him and he looked down at her.

"You keep doubting yourself, Rey," he said.

"No I don't," she said with disappointment in her voice.

"Yes, you do."

She picked up her saber and said, "No I don't." And this time she attacked him, but he knocked her down quickly which blew her saber out of her hand. She was flat on the ground.

"You're strong on the outside, but you're weak on the inside," he picked up her saber and began to walk back to the base. "The lesson is over."

She turned over on her back and as she saw him walking she felt emotions she had never felt before: embarrassment and jealousy. She jumped up and swiped her saber from his hand into hers.

He blocked it and pushed her away, she continued to lunge at him, but he dodged. She crashed her saber into his before he struck a blow, when she pushed him to the ground she put her saber down and relaxed, then he lunged at her and knocked her saber out of her hand. He continued to attack, except she had no weapon, she dodged, but when he was about to strike she pushed out her hand at him and struck him with a powerful blow with the force. So powerful that he went flying through the air and was thrown at a tree and fell to the ground.

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