Chapter 15: The Vow

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Seven months later.

(Play this and continue reading)

It was almost sunset and Rey was still getting ready. She carefully put on her gown, she had her hair put into a beautiful side bun with a flower sticking out of it, she wore a beautiful white dress made of silk and it was easy to move around in with a thick shoulder strap on one side. All she needed was the bouquet of flowers, Rose ran out the room and quickly grabbed them and gave them to her. Now she was ready.

She stepped down from the podium and made her way to where the doors would open and she would walk down the aisle. She waited for this day for a long time and it finally came. On the outside she knew Ben was standing on the other side waiting for her, she felt nervous but she remembered that she wanted to be with Ben. He was the only person she wanted to be with and he was the one person she needed right now.

"Are you ready?" Rose asked.

"I am," Rey said.

The doors finally opened and she stepped out slowly. She looked up and saw Ben standing by the altar wearing a black suit and waiting for her. She wore a smile on her face and continued to walk down the aisle. When she got to the altar, she took Ben's hand and gave Rose the flower bouquet. She took both his hands. He smiled at her, she smiled back. As the priest started the two of them just kept staring at each other until it came for the repeated vows.

"I Ben Solo take you Rey Skywalker to be my wife."

"I Rey Skywalker take you Ben Solo to be my husband."

"To have and to hold." Ben said.

"For better, for worse," Rey said.

"For richer, for poorer," he said.

"In sickness and in health," she said.

"To love and to cherish," he repeated.

"Till death do us part." she said.

"This is my solemn vow," they both said.

The priest then asked the two of them to read their vows to each other. Ben went first and Rey began to cry after hearing that, even Poe started crying and Finn patted him on the head, then it was her turn. She told him her vows and he gave her a big smile. The two were almost finished, the priest then asked the last question for them. Rey had waited and it was time. Ben was going to say those two little words.

"Do you Ben Solo take Rey Skywalker to be your wife?"

"I do," Ben said.

"Do you Rey Skywalker take Ben Solo to be your husband so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Rey said.

The priest continued on reading and when it got to the end of the ceremony he then made his final statement.

"Then by the power vested in me by the entire galaxy and the Resistance, I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride."

The priest stepped off the altar and Rey and Ben looked into each other's eyes for a split second and didn't move. They leaned in slowly and when their lips touched they embraced each other, they were finally married and pronounced husband and wife. Everyone cheered and clapped. Rey placed her hand on his cheek and he wrapped his arms around her body and as the sun set they felt as if they were finally completed.

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