Chapter 4: A Dangerous Adventure

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It was early the next morning and everyone was awake. It was a very gloomy day today, the sky was grey and it was a little cool outside. Alix was sitting outside with Tristan and Jacob who were all bored with nothing to do. In fact there was nothing to do, almost everyone was bored. They weren't sure what to do except wait for an emergency. Alix had gotten tired of sitting around and waiting for something to happen.

"This stinks," she said.

"What?" Jacob said.

"We're just sitting around here with nothing to do, and I'm tired of being bored."

Both boys agreed to that.

"Do you guys want to play something?" Tristan asked.

"With what? Hunter took our ball away from us," Jacob reminded him.

"So what're we going to do today then?" Tristan asked.

"We have to find something to do, otherwise we're just wasting our six year old lives waiting for something to happen," she explained.

"But aren't you already in huge trouble with your parents," Jacob said.

"Yeah, didn't you get int trouble with the Satine and your dad," Tristan replied.

"So what, I'd rather get in trouble than sitting around and having to be bored all day."

"What're we going to do then?" Jacob asked.

"Uh what do you think were going to do today?" she asked him.

He shrugged at her and she rolled her eyes, "We're going to find something to do. We're going to find some fun."

Both boys looked at each other and nodded.

"Well then, let's go find some fun," Tristan said.

All three kids cheered. They began to walk away from the Falcon in hopes that something good would come upon them. As they followed each other Alix then realized that they weren't going to find any fun happening here, so she decided to take a different alternative. She wanted to find fun away from the base and in the forest.

"I have an idea," she said, she began walking towards the forest and away from the other ships and adults. Tristan and Jacob stopped immediately and stood where they were. Alix turned and looked at them.

"What?" she asked.

"Alix we're not aloud to cross the base grounds," Jacob said.

"We'll be back and no one will notice for a second that we were gone," she explained.

"I don't know," they both said.

"Come on, I thought you guys wanted to have fun?"

"We do but we don't want to also involve being in trouble," Tristan said.

Alix felt like she were being betrayed by her own friends, she felt hurt that they didn't want to spend their time like how she does but then again they didn't know how to have fun, she was the master of fun even if it meant getting into serious trouble. She looked at the forest and then she looked back at her friends and sighed.

"We'll go in the forest real quickly, take a little adventure and then we'll come right back," she said.

She started walking towards the forest and when she was halfway in she heard her father calling after them.

"Alix! What're you doing?" he asked.

She froze and looked at him, "Uh, nothing."

"Get over here right now," he said.

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