"Is this mine?" I asked softly, running my fingers along the elegant crystals. When Nonna said Nathaniel had an eye for fashion, she wasn't exaggerating.

"Of course it is Tesoro," Nonna beamed, watching from the door frame. "You like?"

If I could wear this dress every day, I would, without a doubt. And the fact that Nathaniel picked it out made it even more special, regardless of my feelings towards him or lack thereof.

"I love it. Will you help me put it on?"

Nonna nodded eagerly and rushed to my side as if she was waiting on me to ask that question. After she helped me with the gown, she handed me a pair of stilettos that matched perfectly with the dress, along with a bracelet and crystal necklace that had a ruby embedded in the middle. Afterward, Nonna led me back into the main room, where a full-length mirror leaned against the far end of her wall.

"Ready?" Nonna whispered, still covering my eyes as we stood in front of the reflector. I nodded quickly, and she slowly peeled her hands from my eyes, letting me get a full look at the entire outfit. I gasped at my reflection for the second time today, not believing my eyes. The dress fit perfectly on my body as if it were made just for me.

It hugged my curves in all the right places, giving my breast a natural lift. My normally boring figure was snatched completely, giving my body an hour-glass effect. I looked absolutely breathtaking. This is how I'd imagine what I would look like on my wedding day.

Perfect. I looked perfect.

"Tesoro, you look so beautiful," Nonna sniffled from behind me. I smiled and turned around, wrapping my arms around the older woman. This was my last day with her, and I enjoyed every moment we spent together. Two weeks ago, I came through her front doors miserable as ever, but she turned all those feelings around in an instant. This is the happiest I've been in a while, the most loved I've felt in years, and I have Nonna to thank for that.

"Thank you, Nonna," I whispered into her small neck, trying my hardest not to cry and smudge my beautiful makeup. "Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome, my beautiful Anastazi; come back and visit soon, okay?"

"I will," I promised, breaking away from the hug.

A light knock at the door startled the both of us, and I quickly dabbed my under eye to get rid of any tears that escaped.

"Come in!" Nonna yelled as she wiped away her own tears.

In came Nathaniel looking handsome and dapper as ever. He wore a tight fitted tuxedo with a crimson red bow tie that matched perfectly with my dress. His hair was styled neatly to one side with a few strands hanging loosely around his head, and his light peach fuzz was trimmed to perfection.

Mouthwatering. Absolutely fucking mouthwatering.

He paused by the door as soon as he saw that I was in the room. His ocean eyes slowly raked over my body, taking in every detail from my long leg showing through the slit of the dress to my snatched torso, all the way up to my perky breasts. If I didn't know I was wearing this gown, I would've thought I was naked from the way he was staring at me so intensely, eyes clouded with desire.

"Paffuto, what you need?" Nonna asked, snapping both of us out of our trance.

He cleared his throat and looked over at his grandmother. "It can wait."

His eyes found their way back to mine, and I foolishly stood there waiting for him to compliment my appearance but instead, he turned around and mumbled, "The limo's waiting," before disappearing out the door.

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