Carter's news was rather surprising, and I couldn't help but feel a certain way when he announced that he now has a girlfriend. Her name is Gabrielle, and they met at a work conference weeks before my trip. Of course, I'm happy for him but apart of me always hoped that maybe one day fate would bring us together, but I guess fate had other plans.

As for Stella, things with Theo are going "perfectly magical." Her words, not mines. They've even started thinking about moving in together despite only knowing each other for a couple of months, but she's happy, and Theo seems like a pretty nice guy from her stories, so that's all that matters.

Seeing all of my friends happy and moving on with their lives made me think of mine and how I'm nowhere near where I want to be. I have no company for the next two years. My love is literally nonexistent, seeing that I'm currently working for the most wicked man in the world as a fucking lapdog while he goes around and fucks every living and breathing woman that walks by. To say my life is pathetic as hell would be a major understatement.

My plan was to spend the remainder of the trip in my room or in the garden with Nonna, away from Nathaniel until it was time to leave, but of course, Nonna being Nonna, she had other ideas. I woke up the next morning to the sound of whispering in my ear.

"Tesoro, wake up," the voice spoke softly.

"Nonna?" I groaned, stretching out of my sleep and opening my heavy eyelids to find the elderly woman hovering over me with a huge smile on her face. "What are you doing here?"

She sat on the edge of my bed and rested her hand on my knee. "What do you say about working with me at my bakery today?" She asked.

"Nonna, I'd love to!" I gasped, shooting up too quickly, which caused my head to spin.

"But," Nonna continued with a guilty look on her face. "Paffuto coming."

"Yep, no thank you." I flipped the covers back over my head and closed my eyes to fall back asleep.

"Anastazi, you leave very, very soon. Don't you want to spend the rest of your days with poor old Nonna?" She pleaded, gently peeling the covers off my face. "Look, Paffuto will be in back, and you be in front with me. You two will barely see each other. How's that sound?"

I sighed and looked up into her bright blue puppy dog eyes. How could I ever say no to this woman? Especially since our trip is coming to an end.

"Fine," I groaned, lazily sliding off the bed. "Only for you, Nonna, only for you."

"Grazie Anastazi!" Nonna pulled me into a quick hug before making her way to the door. (Thank you.)

"And Nonna," I called out before she had a chance to leave. "I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work."

If she thinks putting Nathaniel and me in a small space together will make us suddenly fall in love with each other, she is very sadly mistaken.

"Oi!" She gasped. "I not doing anything."

I smiled and squinted my eyes at her suspiciously. "I'm watching you, Nonna."

She giggled and winked before disappearing out of the door, leaving me to get ready for this long unexpected day. This would be the first time I've worked at a bakery before, and despite Nathaniel being there and potentially ruining a good time, I was excited. Hopefully, he does stay in the back like Nonna said, and my day would be fine.

"Car is waiting outside," Nonna informed me as I walked into the living room where she was putting on her shoes.

"Where's your grandson?" I asked casually as my eyes darted around the spacious area.

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