"We speak truths."

"I promise you, your grandson has nothing but hatred and disgust in his heart towards me," I assured her just as I did Stella.

Nonna just laughed to herself and began planting sunflower seeds in the various holes we dug.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing," she giggled quietly, handing me the bag of seeds.

"Nonna, tell me," I demanded playfully.

Nonna laughed and threw her hand shovel aside and grabbed the watering can to soften more dirt. "You're just so blind, Tesoro."

Blind? I think I see pretty well.

"What? Blind?"

"Sì," she nodded eagerly.

"Explain, Nonna."

"I've seen the way he looks at you when he think no one watching."

"Yea, with disgust," I laughed nervously, hoping to drop this nauseating subject.

"No, with affection," she clarified.

What the fuck is in the water she and Stella are drinking? I'm starting to think they don't know Nathaniel as well as they think they do. At least not the Nathaniel I know.

"Nonna, I think old age is starting to affect your vision because you're the blind one here."

"Oh, Anastazi," she smiled lovingly, gazing into my eyes. "I may be old, but I know what love looks like."

Love? Love?

"LOVE?!" I shrieked, choking on my spit in the process. I tried to take a breath, but that only made more saliva get trapped in my windpipe. Nonna looked up at me through wide eyes and began heavily patting my back, helping me through my coughing fit.

"Don't ever say that again," I wheezed the moment I was able to speak again.

"I'm sorry, Tesoro."

"Can we just forget this conversation ever took place, never mention your grandson's name again, and never ever speak on this subject ever again?" I pleaded, picking up the vegetable seeds.

Nonna nodded and slipped her muddied gloves back on with a small smile. "Oi, how do you like clothes in the closet?"

"Oh my gosh," I gushed, grateful for the change in topic. "I love them so much, especially the dresses. Did you pick them out for me? Because if you did, you have top tier taste."

Nonna giggled again but shook her head.

"Then who did?" I asked hesitantly, squinting my eyes in suspicion.

"Hmm," she pretended to think before shrugging her shoulders. "Me don't know."

"Nonna, you're lying to me again."

"Oi, you say no mention him again, so my lips zipped!"

Please don't tell me she's referring to who I think she is.

"Don't tell me--"

She nodded. "He went shopping and picked everything out for you. That was first time I've ever seen my Paffuto so nervous," she giggled at the memory.

Yea, I don't think we're talking about the same person.

"Um, are we talking about Nathaniel? The Nathaniel inside the house? Your grandson? Nathaniel Creed?"

"He has wonderful eye for fashion," she continued answering my question in her own way. "His favorite is the pale blue shorty dress but zip lip. Don't tell him I told you."

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