The Summit

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Rylee and Lily took me back to the wooden house and said that the woods here are a nature preserve so all humans are not allowed meaning no hunters.

"Hey whoa no sifting until you take off your clothes," Rylee said before I was fully shifted.

"Why?" I said.

"If you sift while wearing clothes you will tear those clothes to shreds," Said Lily.

"Fine but turn around," I said and they shrugged and turned.

I pulled off the clothes I was wearing and shifted into a wolf and barked at them they turned around and were both surprised I guessed that it was my snow-white fur.

"Your fur coat is beautiful," Lily said.

"Agreed do you mind if we could have a quick feel before we shift?" Rylee asked and I couldn't resist.

"She is so soft," Rylee said getting a nod from Lily and I had had enough.

"Right Right we'll get to shifting too," Rylee said and the both began stripping off their clothes.

After that, we all walked out and I looked at the woods before Rylee and Lily took off and they were fast but not as fast as me I ran after them and quickly caught up and I felt free as I ran. I matched my speed as we ran through the woods the green of the bushes turning in to a green bluer as we sped past it all I felt so good I forgot about Rylee and Lily and ran on ahead leaving them behind. I got to a small rock that at the top led to a clearing and I could see the field as it stretched out for miles I turned and saw a very tired and worn out Rylee and Lily in wolf form so we head back to the house.

"You... are fast," Rylee said as she caught her breath after we got changed.

"No joke," Lily said also panting for breath.

"My father always said I was the fastest and that is why he was so proud of me," I said then remembering what happened.

"Do mind telling us what happened to your father?" Rylee said.

"The current Alpha of my pack my uncle killed him and assumed the Mattel he sent me to the omegas because of some hidden and dormant power I had or some shit," I said.

"What does that mean," Rylee said looking at Lily who shrugged.

"Whatever it means it doesn't matter," I said as I let a tear leave my eye witch Rylee must have seen.

"You really loved your dad huh," Rylee said as she hugged and then it happened again she knocked down the wall she had built up.

"He was the best," I said as I cried into her top.

"You liked when he was Alpha you felt loved," Rylee said.

"Yeah," I said as I shook crying.

"You can have that again in our pack," Rylee said.

"What," I said slightly pulling away as Rylee took my hands in hers.

"In this pack, we look out for one another we care for each other, we treat each other like family and we never give up on others no matter what," Rylee said.

"Rylee's right join us be part of our pack have a family again a family that cares and loves you just as your father did," Lily said putting a comforting hand on my shoulders.

I was then full of thoughts and ideas of the time when I was seen as a valued member of my old pack my dad and I were respected and well treated and seen as important.

"On one condition," I said.

"What," Rylee said with a smile as she let go of my hands.

"I join as a warrior nothing else that is my condition," I said.

"Done I'm sure Ethan owes me a few favours I can cash into anyway most new pack members are added at the summit meetings?" Rylee said.

"Speaking of which if we don't hurry we are going to be late," Lily said.

"Crap your right lest go," Rylee said as they ran off with me following.

We got to the place I was the other day where I told the others about me being a runaway and we were there in time I saw a lot of others around a big campfire and some were still arriving.

"All the pack members sit with their groups as the hunters sit with hunters and omegas sit with omegas you will sit with me and the warriors might as well start hanging with your new crew," Rylee said and I nodded.

"I'ma go sit with the rest of the healers see you two later," Lily said waving to us and winking at Rylee.

"Right you sit here and I'll go find Ethan and tell him," Rylee said as she found a spot with about 6 other people of all ages.

I looked around and I saw Luke with a small girl and they were being all lovey dubby together I guess that is the delta female I saw Issac and Shara talking with Jace. There were a lot of people around all talking and taking their seats I saw Lily and her group across from us and she hadn't seen me yet.

"OK COULD YOU ALL NOW TAKE YOUR SEATS AND THE SUMMIT MEETING WILL BEGIN" Yelled Ethan and Rylle came to sit next to me with a smile.

"Ready?" Rylee said and I nodded.

"All right then I will begin by saying that I know you all would like to know the whereabouts of the alpha female I am afraid she is still missing but she is alive of that we are certain. Next, as I was just told by my beta I would like to welcome back Lily she has returned," Ethan said and Lily stood up and walked up to him.

"Hi all," She said and they all cheered she was clearly popular with the guys.

"Thank you now next is a matter that has been flowing around that has reached my eras yes there was an intruder but rest assured they were detained questioned and sent on their way they will not be returning I assure you of that" Ethan said getting murmurs from the crowd and I saw the twins look at me.

"Now I have a very exciting point to bring up to end the meetings issues before we enjoy the rest of the night with our celebration we are now going to welcome a new wolf into our pack I hope I don't have to remind you how to treat her and as a favour to an old friend she will be joining us as a warrior I would like all to welcome Valentina," Ethan said and I stood up.

No turning back.

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