Recounting The Past

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thanks to a reader I am adding a trigger warning the chapter mentions attempted rape.

I ran as fast as I could and soon slowed down as I came to a small clearing with green grass beautifully mossy trees and a small lake I sat at the edge of the lake and looked down at my reflection. I looked at my face as my fur moved slightly in the wind I then lay on my side and closed my eyes not knowing where I was I didn't dare let my self fall asleep.

"Hey Val," I hers a voice I knew say after about ten minutes.

I open my eyes stood up and saw Rylee she was in her human form and fully clothed.

"Her put these on so we can talk," Rylee said as she put some clothes down in front of me.

I shifted and put on the clothes she got me they were a nice fuzzy red and black pullover jumper with some skinny jeans and some converse shoes.

"So how are you doing it must have been hard for you to see him again," Rylee said as I sat and pulled my knees into my chest and hugged them.

"Seeing him wasn't the problem," I snapped.

"Let me guess it was what he said the way he talked about you how he said..."Rylee began unable to finish so I did for her.

"Said I was his, like I was property," I said turning to her.

"Yeah," Rylee said her voice so soft it was almost silent.

"Well I guess this as good a time as any to tell you my story," I said.

"Are you sure?" Rylee said and I nodded.

"I guess I'll start when he became alpha so to become alpha in my pack you had to formally challenge the current alpha and then kill them in combat to assume the mantel and powers of an alpha. So my dad was killed and then there was a big hunt to celebrate his victory but none of us were very willing me least of all so he pushed us all until we showed respect. It was a few days after he became the alpha that he became agitated around me I don't know why in my position at the time there was nothing I could do. If I had tried all that would happen is I would either get beaten bloody or end up dying but he saw that my place in the pack was getting to the others and as support for him grew so did opposition all because a descendant of our previous alpha was still highly respected and the pack was becoming divided.

A week later and he made the decision to stop the pack from turning on him he stripped me of my place and title and banished me to the omegas I wasn't bothered, not too much. That was until I found out that beforehand he made a deal with them they were to make my life a living hell and if so when I finally died or killed my self they would be given a higher status. At first, they were unclear on how but being treated as they were they soon found a few ways in my pack omegas were treated like the bitches of the pack well I became the bitch if the bitches. This ment that being the last to eat I had to eat after them and when they mostly pick the carcass clean it ment I would go to bed that night hungry. It was so bad some times that I didn't eat for days I had to hunt for my self and when I got found out the alpha would beat the hell out of me like trying to survive was suddenly against the rules.

The punishment got worse it soon was no longer him but the other omegas all of them he ordered them to attack me all at once they would bite and claw at me and would have no choice but to sit there and take it. I still have some of the scars if you wanna see" I said looking at Rylee.

"How do you have scars would they have healed," Rylee said.

"That's the next part of my story, as an alpha, he was interested in what he could do as the alpha and if he wanted to test something out he would test it out on me like some ginny pig. He soon found a way to stop the healing process and he would then give me scars or wounds and then he would use his power to stop me from healing like us meaning I would heal like a human I was in pain for days as my scars healed slowly. This went on for years I tried escaping a few times and every time I did he would find me and well that's how I got these" I said showing Rylee the scars I showed Audrey.

"Ther were a few times when some of the omegas the guys would try and rape me and he would stop them but I knew that he would let whatever man I was forced to be with, do whatever he wanted to me. It made that time even scarier when I found out I didn't like guys I was going to be forced into a relationship where I was more of a slave than a partner. Luckily the last time I tried to escape he was distracted by a hunter, not a werewolf hunter a regular hunter who probably mistook us for regular wolfs. Anyway, long story short years of torture until I finally escaped thanks to a regular hunter guess miracles really do happen," I said as I finished my story I saw that Rylee was hurt by my story.

"Issac are you gonna stand there all day," I called out.

"How did you know I was here?" He said unable to face me.

"You either rolled in shit on your way over here or haven't bathed in tow days because you reek," I said.

"Noted," He said as he came over and sat next to Rylee.

"Ethan tell you to come and get me," I said.

"Depends on what I heard and I don't feel like you really need to tell him any of that so I'll keep it between the three of us for now but I don't want you going anywhere alone from now on," Issac said.

"Why," I said.

"You're in danger it's my job as beta to keep you out of harm's way so I am assigning my sister as your guardian since she herd your story," Issac said.

"Do I get a say in this," Rylee said.

"No," Issac said practically cutting Rylee off.

"Fine," Rylee said.

"Well I have a report to make and well since I just made my sister your personal guardian you are no longer banished from my house rooms your as well," Issac said before he ran off.

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