The Pack

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After I told them that I was ready to talk they said that they had a place that they would hold the pack meetings where all members of the pack gathered and members were added and important issues were discussed and dealt with.

"So all pack members will be here," I asked.

"Not this time we just have to talk with you your answers will depend on whether rest of the pack needs to get involved or not," Ethan said.

"So this will just be us," I said.

"Yeah and unless you want to get the pack involved I would pick your answers carefully," Jace said.

"And here we are," Rylee said as we came across a house with two stories and pathway on the side leading to the garden.

"The house of the Beta this is where we will have our talk or rather we will have it in the garden and when we get there you will see why," Rylee said.

"So who is the Beta?" I asked.

"That would be me and I only ask for one thing as the beta of this pack, respect," Issac said as he walks up to me glaring up at me.

"I don't remember me becoming a part of this pack so don't talk to me like I broke a law I didn't swear to," I said growling at him my eyes flaring up with the yellow of the wolf.

We are all silent for a few moments until there is a laugh one of the cutest laughs I have ever heard I turn and see Rylee with her hand up to her mouth giggling and that sight of her made me blush.

"This girl's got balls I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk to my brother like that pack or not," Rylee said, brother shit.

"So if this walking embodiment of anger issues is the Beta who's the Alpha?" I asked.

"Me," said Ethan.

"So Alpha, Beta and you?" I said pointing at Luke.

"Delta," Luke said.

"Warrior" Rylee said my attention turning to her.

"Does that make you the lead warrior?" I said looking at Jace.

"Yep and Rylee is well on her way to overthrowing me with all her accomplishments," Jace said.

"But you're higher than her on the wolf hierarchy," I said.

"Things work differently in my pack our ranks are based on two things one trust and two the ability to produce results," Ethan said.

"Right so shall we get this over with?" Luke said.

"Fine," I say.

I am then taken to the garden and I am greeted by the most beautiful sight I have ever seen as I look around I am filled with a desire to shift and enjoy the area in my wolf form.

"Beautiful isn't it," Ethan said.

"It's incredible there was never a sight that came even close to this where I come from," I said as I smile at the scene in front of me.

"Yeah that's something we need to know so if you will look to the left you will see where we have our pack meetings," Jace said.

I looked to the left and I saw a big camp fireplace and logs for about 30 or so people set up around it in a circle.

"How many people are in this pack?" I asked.

"We have around 25 wolfs all under my protection and I wouldn't say control because I don't like to use that word it's more like rule free to do what they want within the boundaries of what I tell them to do and in dire situations make decisions that will benefit the pack. That includes self-sacrifice" Ethan said and I felt a strong feeling of respect towards him at those words I was fond of those who gave those who were under their control free will, unlike my pack.

"25 and you're the alpha of all of them but you're so young," I said.

"So," Ethan said.

"Forget it," I said.

"Alright, so shall we," Jace said as he gestured us to sit and we did.

"Well, I guess my name comes first so I am called Valentina and I'm 17 anything else," I said as I sat.

"We would like to know about your pack and why you are not with them," Luke said.

"I ran away they more like wolfs than werewolves they are about as far as you can get from human so far that some forgot what it was like to be human. There is more but it is personal and I am not sure I can tell you about it what I will tell is that the alpha before the current one was my father" I said and they all exchanged looks.

Just then I felt light-headed.

"Ahhhhh," I said as I grabbed my head.

"Hey you okay," Rylee said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Fine it's just it's been a while since I had a decent meal," I said.

"Hey, she makes a good point it is around lunchtime you guys hungry?" Jace said

"I am feeling a little peckish yeah" Said Ethan.

"I could do with some fuel," Said luke"

"You going to cook for us, Jace?" Rylee said.

"Sure cool if I use your kitchen, Issac?" Jace said.

"Knock your self out," Issac said with a slight smile.

"Give me 20 minutes," Jace said as he winked at us.

After Jace had entered the house the others began chatting among them self's I chose this moment to get closer to the forest I got up and wack past the lake until I was at the edge of the forest. I looked out into the thick light greenness of the woods I put my hand in one of the trees and closed my eyes within seconds I was shooting through the woods like a bullet. Even at the breakneck speed that my eyes were travelling I could see everything around me so clearly and was able to take in every tiny detail of the forest. Just as I predicted the woods were beautiful the tiny rays of the sun that broke through the leaves, the lush green grass with flowers here and there and the vast size of the forest.

"Hey you good," Said a voice and I opened my eyes and let go of the tree.

"Sorry," I said turning around to see Rylee.

"You just spaced out for a moment there anyway Jace made us hot dogs come on," Rylee said taking my hand in hers and dragging me to the others and I noticed how soft her hands were.

"Here dig in I am very proud of how these turned out," Jace said handing me a piping hot hot dog with a smile and I smiled back at the smell.

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