The Chase

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The cold winter air bites like a knife and the snow is like a hundred needles digging into my feet, I run as fast as I can through the trees and the snow falls on the already snow-covered forest floor. It only took another two hours before I hear a commanding, soul-rattling yet familiar howl from behind me I pick up my pace not realizing that the fear could pull more speed out of me. It took some time but I could hear something gaining on me from behind I then look to the side and see a wolf matching my speed and another on my other side. The two of them move into me on both sides cornering me, I see two trees dead ahead I slow down and they match my speed their focus on me then inches from the trees I come to a sliding halt they then look in front and both hit the trees headfirst. They both let out a whimper of pain as they hit the trees and I could also hear the sound of the tree cracking upon impact but I knew this wasn't over.

As they both hit the trees I tear off to the left and leave them in the dust at least that is what I thought until 30 minutes later and they are both by my sides once again they don't quit. I see the trees ahead getting denser and a small passageway in the trees only big enough one of us to fit through I take a quick look at the wolfs either side of me. I pull ahead and they get lost in the undergrowth of the forest, after running for another hour and I feel the lack a food I had today begging to take its toll on me and I slow down before stopping. I wheeze for air as the snow seems to get colder with every passing second I feel my lungs getting tighter I look up and before I know it a black wolf has barreled into me and pinned me to the ground stopping me from moving.

It growled at me its razor blade-like teeth inches from my face its yellow eyes glowing with anger and intent to kill, I try to wriggle free but I am too weak to do much. The black wolf leans its face into me growling deep and low in a quick split-second decision I lunge my head forward and bite down on his nose and he howls in pain. At that moment he loosened his hold on me so I rolled over flipping him off of me I then went back in to for another attack I clawed at his face and sunk my teeth into his back leg. He howls and we are then staring each other down as we walk round in circles as we wait for the other to make their move he launched at me and I do the same our heads colliding with a loud bash disorienting the both of us. I am able to regain most of my vision before he is I bring my teeth down on his neck and he howls as one of the other wolfs from before appears ramming into my side.

I am soon surrounded by three wolf's two of them brown and white the other a dark black just like a starless night I can feel the wounds from earlier beginning to stain my fur with blood. The first jumps at me from behind I move out of the way causing him to barrel it to the other but I misjudged the distance and can't avoid a bite from the black one as he digs his teeth into my front leg. He thankfully left his back wide open I claw and bite at it with my free arm eventually freeing myself and hobbling to a safer distance to assess and plan my next move. I need to escape but how? A few crows fly up from the trees a short distance from us they then fly just in front of us between me and the others partially obscuring our view of each other. I use the second they are no longer in front of us to pounce at one of the brown wolfs and bite his neck and pull on it I planned to be ruthless and kill him but I was only able to remove a small tuft of fur off of him pissing off the other two.

Just when I think this is where I will meet my end something small zips past me just barely missing my nose the four of us look to the side and see a man with a gun. A hunter this deep into the forest, is he mad? The three wolves break off and chase the hunter into the woods allowing me to use the moment to turn tail and run or more accurately limp at great speed in the opposite direction. I'm not sure what happened to the hunter but I heard multiple howls and cries with gunfire as they moved out of earshot, I hope he kills those wolves for what they did to me. I get to a clearing and I get to a cliff, I make my way to the edge of the cliff and fell out of a loss of blood and exhaustion my eyes are closed and I can hardly move. After letting my body rest I open my eyes and realize that I have gone back to my human form I see my blood has soaked into my clothes and the day has passed to the night.

I look down over the cliff and the lights of a city shine in my face illuminating the top of the cliff I looked down at the shining and glistening lights that dotted the city. I heard voices and footsteps coming toward me I gathered my strength and concealed myself in the shadows of the rocks off to the side so I can see them without them seeing me. As I watch I see four boys and two girls walking along the edge of the cliff as they come into view I see one of the girls is stunning she is absolutely flawless. She has red hair that complemented her green eyes perfectly, her fair skin glowed in the lights of the city below and her freckles just pulled it all together. I couldn't help but stare at her as the four of them sat down on the edge of the cliff and began to talk among themselves, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and yet there was something about her that was painfully familiar. Then a pain in my side pulled me back to reality and I realized I was losing too much blood I had to do something but soon my vision blurred and I fell to the ground before it all went black.

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