A New Life

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5 years later

It was a week after the funeral until the full moon when I could add Ethans pack into my own I explained to them the situation with Issac and they all agreed well some took some convincing but they all said yes in the end. A lot has happened in the five years since then the most notable is that Jess and Grayson are now fully together and talking about marriage never saw that coming. Things were also good with me and Rylee she had gotten a job as an artist she did a lot of drawings and paintings that she sold to the local art shop in the centre of town. I myself did a lot of self-study and got a job as a mechanic I don't know why but something about the way machines worked fascinated me so I got studying and was hired after a year of studying.

The pack was dong good as well I had taken on a few more to be under my rule directly but Issac still had some that followed him but at this rate, I will be able to take them all on in no time. Mia and Luke got together witch was one of the funniest things I had ever seen Luke practically fell back with embarrassment when Mia said that she liked him too. Lily also found her mate turns out it was Jace all along the two of them are doing well but they are taking a long vacation to spend time together witch doesn't bother me as long as they come back. Audry got together with Aria one of Ethan's hunters turned warrior when she joined my pack mainly so she could be the same rank as Audrey witch I completely understood.

Oh, yeah Jessica had her baby a beautiful baby boy she named him Edward after her father all the excitement with Jess, Grayson and Jessica's baby made me agree to Rylee when she proposed me to marry her and to start a family of our own we can't scientifically have any kids but there is an orphanage for our kind not far but we decided to get married before getting a kid. I was also able to get a car and a drivers licence and as expected only moments after getting it Rylle begged me to take her to a beach I took her to a beach that my fake father said he knew about and like he said it was beautiful from dawn till dusk.

As we sat there on the beach car behind us as the sun setting in front of us I went over everything that had happened after ruing away and I smiled knowing that I would not change any moment of it. It was my life and my choices and as long as it leads to this moment with my beautiful fiancée by my side with one of the most beautiful sights in front of me I am happy with how it turned out.



Sorry if the ending is short but I felt here is a good place to end it and the characters have been through a lot a five-year-jump isn't that big so I may make a sequel let me know if you want that.

Thanks all for reading. 

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