Accepting Power

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Rylee and I took our seats as the rest of the wolfs filled in for the meeting there were a lot of us wondering why a meeting had been called and we waited for Ethan to make the announcement. Audry came and sat next to me asking if we knew anything about it and we answered no and I could see that me being so close to Rylee was bothering her.

"Hey Val can we talk for a moment," Issac said.

"Sure," I said leaving Audrey and Rylee alone.

"Thanks," Issac said.

"No problem what's up?" I said.

"When we had that fight and you said this is just what he wants he is trying to use rage to blindly control us and turn us into, killers, what did you mean by that?" He said.

"My guess is that he trying to get you to kill them to turn you into monsters werewolves are predators and monsters are killers and we may bee seen as monsters doesn't mean we have to be monsters," I said.

"I see that makes sense," Issac said.

"Yeah my dad said I may be a predator but I don't have to be a killer," I said.

"Oh one more thing, look after my sister," Issac said.

"Promise," I said.

I sat back down and held hands with Rylee as we wait for Ethan to begin.

"What was all that about?" Rylee said.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE CARLM DOWN CARLM DOWN" Ethan said as a hush fell over the crowd.

"So it begins," I said.

"I know a lot of you maybe all of you are wondering why I called this meeting but I have decided that after recent events that this pack needs to make some changes big changes," Ethan said as Luke came and stood next to him.

"The most important change is that in the chain of command my position, in particular, I am a good fighter that is a fact but fighting is something that anyone can improve their skills and what a good and valued Delta needs is the ability to assess a situation and find an outcome in which this pack come out on top and in a way where we stay true to the rules, which is why I am stepping down as Delta of this pack," Luke said as there was an eruption of protest and confusion me and Rylee included in the confusion.

"QUIET PLEASE ALL OF YOU," Ethan said and the crowd calmed down.

"What do you think is going on and who will take his place?" Rylee said.

"I think Ethan is about to tell us," I said.

"Luke approached me with the idea it was his decision I know many of you have come to see Luke as a teacher mentor and a friend none of that will change his experience as the Delta will mean that he will still be there for those who turn to him for support but the position of Delta will be filled by one who is worthy... Val" Ethan said I was stunned as they all turned to me.

It took some time as I gained the courage to get up and stand by Ethan and he smiles as did Luke I had more of is this a joke face on.

"Ethan, what's going on?" I said.

"Exactly what it sounds like," Ethan said.

"What," I said.

"As many of you know one of us was kidnapped and held by our enemy but at that moment where things got out of hand, Val realised what was going on and stopped it before it was too late it was her quick thinking and her dedication to the pack at that moment that makes her the perfect candidate for the position of Delta I will not go into details of the moment as it is not important but what is important is that she is prime Delta material," Ethan said to the pack.

"I agree and stand as witness to the abilities that make a good Delta," Said Issac.

"As do I," Jace said.

"And I recommend her for the position," Luke said as they all took a place at my side.

The whole place was silent until Rylee began clapping and then Audrey followed by Lily then Lola and eventually the whole pack was congratulating me on becoming the new third in command. Later the whole place was celebrating I was sat with Ethan on the porch as he went over the perks and responsibilities of being his Delta one of them intrigued me.

"So you get your own place there are a few houses available for use of the Delta and Jace's house will also become vacant in a few days," Ethan said.

"I want the wooden house near the woods," I said.

Ethan looked at me I gave him an I will take no for answer stare and he sighed.

"Place is yours," he said as he gave me a set of keys and I smiled.

"Hey, Val wanna get the colours?" Said Luke with a few others behind him with paints.

"What?" I said.

"It's a tradition they will paint your face with a pattern and when you will shift and you will have the same paten in wolf form it's just a bit of fun," Ethan said.

"So you down," Luke said.

"Sure why not," I said and they led me away to get painted.

I was given a very good blue pattern that was on my face and went to my shoulders but no further a lot of people liked it and Rylle was afraid to kiss me for fear of messing it up.

"Hey, Rylee remember when you took me to see those houses well I got Ethan to give me the keys to the one by the woods and I was wondering if you wanted to come and live with me there as my mate," I said and Rylee's eyes widened before she smiled and kissed me hard and whispered a yes in my ear.

The night came to a close and Rylee explained the plan to Issac who out of respect to me being the Delta accepted and we left for the house we went in and it was freezing. I turned on the heating and we took a look around there was a room full of furniture all covered in white sheets there were chairs and tables along with a bed and the tow us shared a mischievous smile. we moved a few of the tables and chairs into other rooms before returning to the bed I plan to move this to the second floor as a bedroom but for now, this will do. I found a bathroom and got rid of the paint before getting into the bed and feeling the warmth of Rylee next to me as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in close.

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