Dangerous Friend

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I sat by Stella's side as she rested in her bed after I yelled my uncle out of her head and Matthew watched her intently after he imprinted on her he took it upon himself to keep her safe from all forms of harm. Matthew has always seen Stella as strong so to see her in this state really got to him he said he would let me and only me wait by her side so Ethan, Rylee and Audrey waited outside

"Quit worrying," I said.

"Huh," Matthew said.

"She is going to be fine she'll wake up with a splitting headache but it will pass and she'll back to her normal self," I said hoping that she would be back to normal.

"I know what I am worried about is what happened to her," Matthew said.

"Don't worry he won't try that again not now that he knows I can stop him if he tries to," I said.

"How is she" Ethan said waiting in the doorway getting impatient.

"Resting but stable," I said I got up to speak in private.

"How's he holding up," Ethan said.

"I know how it is to see your imprint in this state I doubt he is doing well but he is doing a good job of hiding it," I said.

At that moment Stella woke up with a start she almost yelled out in fear I guess she must still think she was under the control of her alpha but as she looked at me and didn't have the urge to attack she calmed down.

"Hey, Stella how are you feeling," I said come to her side and bending down to her level.

"Better I think," She said putting her hand to her forehead.

"Good because you really scared me last night," Matthew said.

"You scared us all but I have to ask you a few questions to fully understand what exactly happened do you think you can do that or do you wanna rest a bit longer," I said.

"Yeah," Stella said with a weak nod.

"Really because this can wait," I said.

"Maybe you should take the time you had a pretty big shook and you may wait off on answering questions until you can fully comprehend what is happing around you," Matthew said.

"Maybe your right thanks Val," Stella said.

"Sure get some rest come find me when you are ready to talk okay," I said placing my hand on her solder and she nodded.

I walked back to my house with Rylee and Audrey both dying to ask the all-important question problem was I wasn't ready to tell them as what happed can be linked to me and I fear what that would do to me and Rylee's relationship I couldn't lose her not now. When I got home I just sat on the sofa and pulled my knees up to my chest I had so many thoughts racing through my head I didn't realise that Rylee had her arms around my shoulders.

"You doing okay," She asked.

"Yeah come to think of it I haven't eaten at all today you hungry," I said.

"Now that you mention it I am starving," Rylee said and we got up and headed to the kitchen.

"So what are you in the mood for," I said not to brag but I had become quite adept in the kitchen.

"How anout sgrambeld eges and waffels" Rylee said.

"Fine choice wanna help me with the eggs," I said and Rylee nodded.

I walked over to the side and switched on the radio I chose a station that I have been listing to for a long time I loved it when I turned it on Rylee laughed and said she liked it too. The tow of us cooked and danced around for half an hour when we were done I turned down the music not too far just far enough so we could still hear it but not too loud.

"This looks good real good," Rylee said as I plated up the eggs for her.

"Enjoy," I said giving her a kissing her on the cheek.

"I hope you don't mind but could you tell me what happened with your friend Stella," Rylee said as I was about to take my first bite but her words froze me.

"I know you want to know and you probably should but I am afraid of what you will think of me if I do," I said.

"What are talking about Val, I love you, nothing will ever change that, no matter what I promise," Rylee said.

I was about to tell her everything but I was interrupted by a strange sent hit me we both got up and took a sniff of the air I looked at Rylee and she nodded catching my drift. As we ran to the door we stripped out of our clothes and after closing the door we both shifted and ran off into the woods following the sent the problem was that this was not the sent of my pack but it was a new sent. As we followed the sent Audrey, Ethan and his worriers joined us as we ran he looked at me and I gave him a look saying that it was not my pack and we continued running.

"Ethan let me take point on this the sight of a true Alpha may make them think twice before starting trouble," I said.

"Fine," Ethan said.

We ran and then we got to a small clearing we heard the sound of wolfs getting closer we then saw 6 wolfs running they came down a small hill falling over and bumping into each other. I stood there as the all came falling and stopped when they saw us and then I realised that they were all young no older than 13 at best where the hell did they come from.

"Who are you kids," I asked and they all looked at one another.

"It's okay you can trust us," Rylee said.

"Clark" One said he had a wonderful brown coat.

"This is Freya, Heather, Adam, Aydran and Derek" He continued and they all nodded with the mention of their names.

"Where did you all come from," I asked.

"South," Clark said.

"And why are you here you must know the rules of trespassing on the territory of other packs," I said.

"Were here because we heard there was a true Alpha in these parts we ran away because we were orphaned in our pack and given our age that was dangerous," Clark said now clearly establishing himself as the leader of his friends.

"But why come looking for a true Alpha," I asked.

"It's not just we are looking for a true Alpha we are also looking for the first and only wolf ever to take down a dark druid that is you right," Clark said.

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