Different Life

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I went to bed that night with tears in my eyes Rylee had told me not to worry but I felt that it was my fault I had promised her so many times that I wouldn't let anything happen to her and I broke that promise and she had lost her wolf because of me. I opened my eyes slowly as the sunlight poured in and I saw that Rylee was sleeping next to me in my arms soundly she seemed so peaceful like losing her wolf didn't bother her but I knew it did.

"Hey good morning beautiful," I said as I rested my hand on her shoulder with a small shake and she oped her eyes still half asleep.

"Uhh what time is it," Rylee said with a yawn.

"About 7:30 in the morning," I said.

"Ethan have anything that he wants you to do today," Rylee said.

"No, I think we all have a day off after what happened yesterday," I said kissing her.

The two of us went downstairs and had some food I had a talk with Ethan yesterday while Rylee was resting after waking up he told me that after Rylee's wolf was taken her body would most likely become human. I could almost guess what that ment but I needed to hear it from him he told me that she will lose her hearing, speed, strength and of course her ability to shift. He also said that some things will stay the same the main one being that her feelings towards me would not change and that she will keep her smarts and cunning as it was not the wolf that gave her those traits.

I was happy and thanked him for all he did I also as to what he planned to do with the druid as it turns out the hunters had him in a cell that had a perimeter of some supernatural nullifying substance so he was stuck there and his powers were useless. I spent most of today with Rylee as we had a lazy day we watched TV while in each other's arms and laying about we were about to begin our 4th movie when there was a knock at my door. I got up opened the door and saw Seth standing there and he looked a little rattled.

"Hey Seth what's up," I said letting him in.

"Hey Val could I talk to you I mean the pack would sometimes come to Luke for advice but you are the delta now so here I am," He said.

"I don't know how much of a help I'll be but I'll do my best," I said as I led him to the kitchen.

"Umm do you mind if we do this in privet," Seth said as he saw Rylee.

I looked at her and she smiled.

"It's cool I'll be in the bedroom," Rylee said and kissed my cheek before leaving.

"So what's up," I said taking a seat.

"It's about Lola," Seth said as he took a seat across from me.

"Okay," I said.

"Well, I was going for a walk today to clear my head after you know what and I bumped into her since she was doing the same and then I imprinted on her" Seth said.

"Okay so what's the problem," I said.

"I don't know if I like her or not and now that I have imprinted on her I am gonna have the need to be around her a lot of the time," Seth said.

"So you don't know how you feel about her," I said.

"Not at all," Seth said.

"Wel the best advice that I can think to offer you is to be her friend be there for her when she needs you and when you know how you feel about her and you will that is when you tell her," I said.

"Thanks, Val that really helped," Seth said standing up to leave.

"Your welcome and who knows, maybe one day Lola will imprint on you," I said as I got up to open the door for him.

"Right oh, Ethan told me to tell you that Rylee is still seen as the Delta's mate she has not lost anything in terms of pack rank," Seth said.

"Thanks," I said and he left.

I went up to see Rylee after Seth left who was laying on the bed.

"So what was up," She asked looking up to see me.

"Sorry but I keep my client's identities private," I said hopping on to the bed as Rylee laughed.

I lay next to Rylee on my front with Rylee on her back as I kissed her she put her hand on my cheek and pulled me in closer I smile into the kiss before I pulled away slightly.

"Are you sure you are okay I mean being a human you have lived your whole life as a wolf and now suddenly you are human?" I said.

"Are you going to let this go" Rylee asked looking at me with a serious face.

"No," I said.

"I am fine the fact that I am still alive is what you should be focusing on I mean you were there survival rates were as low as they have ever been with us," Rylee said when I didn't answer her.

"Yeah, they were," I said as I suddenly realised.

"What," Rylee said.

"I knew it that fight seemed to easy," I said as I grabbed Rylee's phone and called Ethan.

"Rylee," Ethan said.

"Ethan it's Val were are the hunters keeping the druid," I said.

"Val what's going on," Ethan said.


"The same place were the hunters that helped us have as a base but what do..." Ethan said but I hung up before he finished.

"Please stay here," I said looking at Rylee and she nodded but she didn't like it.

I ran out of the house and headed to the place that Rylee took me to I could kind of remember where it was so I made it there in good time thanks to my wolf speed. I was about to knock on the door when an explosion came from behind the house and I saw a hole in the ground as the druid rose from the ground as if he was floating. He laughed and then flew towards me to fast for me to see and had his hand around my neck and pushed me to the floor knocking the air out of my throat.

"You are very useful to me a decedent of a true alpha," I said with a laugh as I tried to loosen his grip on my throat.

There was a loud bang as a bullet hit his arm and he let go of my throat I took in a huge breath before crawling away from him still having a hard time breathing. Grayson and the girl with blond hair were their Grayson had blood dripping down his face and the girl was aiming her gun at the now free druid with anger.

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