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I wondered to nowhere in particular in my wolf form through the woods my mind was too focused on what Rylee did and what she told me after, I was fully confused.

"Hey, Val what are you doing out here," I heard a voice say.

"Oh hey there Seth," I said turning to see him in his red fur wolf form.

"Sup you looking for something," He said.

"No, I've just had one hell of a day," I said.

"Wanna talk about it," He said.

"Get comfy it's quite a tale," I said.

"Lay in on me girl," He said.

"So I guess I'll start with my mum she is back practically from the dead she left when I was young but I was made to believe that she was dead for 13 years so yeah she had just decided to come back. I went to talk to her to get some answers and now I find I have some child's idea of a destiny in which I have to fight my uncle so I go home to try and processes all of this. Then to make matters worse on the way home I run into Rylee she kisses me then starts crying saying that she broke up with Lily because Lily imprinted on someone and it wasn't her" I said.

"That is rough," Seth said.

"Oh it gets better," I say.

"Let's hear it," Seth said.

"Well I stayed with Rylee that night to keep her company and then about an hour ago after Issac had left she kisses me again and says that when she kissed me yesterday she imprinted on me so now I have a density a mum who refuses to die and a friend who just imprinted on me and I am stuck in the middle of all this crap," I said.

There was a long pause.

"If your waiting for the reassuring words I'd talk to Lola I'm not the kind of guy to do that thing," Said Seth.

"Don't worry your good," I said.

"Well, you can take one good thing away from this," Seth said.

"What?" I said.

"Rylee what else come on I've seen the way you look at her it's clear that you have a thing for her so this is good right," Seth said.

"That's not strictly true," I said.

"Oh come on," Seth said.

"Okay okay, you hit the nail on the head," I said.

"So does she know," Seth said.

"No, I haven't told her and to make things worse I also imprinted on her," I said.

"Why does that make things worse?" Seth said.

"Well it's not a bad thing now because she is no longer with Lily and for a while now I have been dying inside because seeing her with Lily and having the feelings I had did hurt me," I said.

"Okay, you need to listen, there are a few sayings we have as werewolves the first says that tow werewolves who imprint on one another are destined to be together and the second in more aimed at you specifically it says that one whos imprint is born of love will never lose that which they fall for whoever it may be," Seth said.

"There just sayings superstitious nonsense," I said.

"I wouldn't be so sure I've seen it proven in my lifetime," Seth said.

"Oh yeah," I said.

"Yep Ethan and Jessica, Ethan wasn't Jessica's first be he sure as hell will be her last," Seth said.

"Right," I said.

"Anyway go talk to Rylee you need to scoop her up before Lily comes to her senses," Seth said before he ran off deeper into the forest.

I stood there for a few minutes before deciding that he was right and headed home I got home and shifted before putting on the clothes that I took off and that Rylee had folded for me I then went to her room to find her on her bed knees curled up.

"Hey Rylee," I said and she looked up at me trying to hide her happiness.

"Hey," Rylee said get off the bed her room was dark really dark.

"You doing alright," I said.

"I'm fine look about kissing you I'm sorry but I was not thinking straight so if you don't want to be with me then that is fine but I can't stay away from you because of me imprinting so..." Rylee said but I cut her off by kissing her.

"Rylee I feel the same way and I have since I first saw you and always will because I to imprinted on you it was a while ago and you were still with Lily so I was afraid of telling you," I said with a smile.

"Really," Rylee said.

"Of course," I said.

I pulled her in for another kiss and I poured all the passion I could into that one kiss and Rylee deepened the kiss and returned the passion as she wrapped her arms around me. Rylee fell on to the bed and then she pulled me down on top of her she smiled at me and was about to kiss me again when I was pulled off her from behind and thrown into a wall. I hit the wall hard and my vision was blurry and I saw a figure move towards me before I lost my vision completely I woke up with a pounding headache and looked around the room was trashed and Rylee was missing. I looked around the room and the was a note on the bed.

If you want your bitch back alive then come to the woods to fight for her she will along with your life be your prize should you win. You may bring three others if you must but it makes no difference and you will not win in addition to the three you bring your alpha must also be present.

I growled in full-on rage as I crumpled the paper in my hands and ran outside not bothering to strip I shifted and howled as loud and long as I could and within a few minutes the whole pack had arrived all in wolf form.

"Those fucking bastards invading my home is one thing but kidnapping my sister that is unforgivable I'm going to fight with you she's my sister," Issac said after I told them what happened.

"As will Jace and Luke they are the three best we have I will also be going as the note demands but I will have you three with me as protection my guess is he has done the same," Ethan said looking at Lola, Audrey and Seth.

"The note said nothing about that," I said.

"If it doesn't mention it then it is my decision but make no mistake they have trespassed on my land and kidnapped one of my pack whether you win or lose this pack will go to war"

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