Tooth Claw and Bullet

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As the bullets fly to the druid it is as if he becomes like a ghost he dodges the bullets and there are faded versions of him where he was as the bullets hit those faded after images. Ethan, Issac, Rylee and I ran at the Druid in a zig-zag movement Ethan and Issac jumped at the druid and the druid whacked Ethan and Issac out of the air and they fell to the ground behind the druid motionless. Rylee and I stopped in our tracks and assessed our next move I saw Ethan and Issac get to there feet he couldn't take four at once we all ran and leapt at the Druid. We were all in the air and the druid banged his staff into the ground and it was like a force pushed us all back and out of the air, I landed hard and yelped in pain.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a gunshot wiped through the air and hit the druid's staff shattering it to pieces I looked to see who fired the shot I didn't know them but they were soon impaled in the chest by a large root. Grayson cried out a name and then let out a cry accompanied by a storm of bullets the druid raised his hand and as he does a wall of dirt rises to shield him. As soon as the bullets stopped a fox leapt over the dirt wall landing on the druid and sinking his teeth into his shoulder the pain causing him to yell in pain and fall to his knees. The druid was able to get Garritt off by ramming his back into the wall he then threw Garritt and the placed both hands to the ground and roots like the ones that impaled the hunter burst from the ground aimed at Garritt.

Rylee and I wasted no time as we both run at the druid from both sides and I get to him just in time sinking my teeth it to his side and the roots stop inches from Garritt. The druid tried to do the same thing to get me to loosen my grip but I am stronger than Garritt and held on Rylee got to his leg and we both held on. Then we were both blasted back by the same kind of force from earlier but something about this one felt different and then I opened my eyes I realised why. The shock had somehow turned us into our human forms I stood up and was soon trapped by roots that wrapped and twisted around my whole body they were tight and strong. Ethan Issac and Garritt along with the hunters were also trapped in these roots I saw Rylee and I looked at her as she struggled against the roots. As I struggled I also realised that these roots were stopping us from shifting.

"I would like to congratulate you I have gone up against many monsters like you but you are the first to cause me this much damage," Said the druid with a fairly normal voice.

"Fuck you" Rylee yelled.

"Thanks to your power I am letting you live but that does not come without a price," He said.

He then turned to Rylee.

"TOUCH HER AND YOUR DEAD" I yelled as I tried to break free.

He moved some of the roots so that her belly was accessible but not enough for her to escape he then pressed his hand on her and then she screamed in pain as he pulled his hand away. As he moved his hand further a further way from her she screamed more and more and I saw that as he did a red missed was being pulled from her body and then I knew what was happening. After five minutes of watching the girl I loved screaming in pain like she was having her soul ripped from her he was done and he pulled the mist out completely. The mist soon formed into a wolf-like shape and attacked him but he pulled out a sword and drove it into the wolf it shook a bit then bust as the mist evaporated.

"Your next," He said looking at me.

I looked at Rylee she was limp but not dead the pian must have knocked her out I felt the roots move from my body but they were still far to tight to move or break free. He was about to do to me what he did to Rylee but I saw an orange figure move up behind the dig its teeth into his side he cried out in pain as he was shoved to the ground the roots became less tight and I broke free as did Ethan and Issac we were then all joined by the other wolfs that had decided to fight. By my side was Seth, Luke, Jace, Shara, Audrey and Lola with Ethan and Issac in front of us Ethan gave the order to attack and all went for him he was able to get Garritt off in time to pull out two silver blades.

Ethan and Issac were the first to get few good solid hits in whole the rest of us were focusing more on trying to hit him without getting to close to his blades the hunter's bullets were a big help. Luckily we had far more stamina than him and he was soon looking like he was running low allowing me to every now and then I would drag my claws along parts of his body. It took us 45 minutes before we wore him down to his knees and then Grayson swang his gun at the Druid's head hard knocking him out cold Ethan had decided that he may be useful as a prisoner. I quickly ran to Rylee's side and got Seth and Lola to help me carry her back to my place once home I shited opened the door and Seth and Lola caird her in. I put on the first clothes I could find and then put Rylee down on the sofa and pulled a blanket over her to cover her up Lola had sifted and put on some of my clothes and Seth remained as wolf unless he wanted to wear girls clothing.

"Will she be okay?" Lola said.

"Yeah she just needs rest," I said.

"Okay well see ya," Lola said as she left with Seth following.

After they left I fell to my knees and began to cry I wasn't able to keep my promise to her I told her that I would protect her and because I was unable to she had her wolf taken from her. I cried for a few moments before I felt a hand on my shoulder I look tears in my eyes and Rylee smiles before she pulls me in for a hug.

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