Tracking A Descendant

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I looked at the young wolfs and they looked at me I was taken aback by the fact that they knew about that and about the fact that I was a true alpha but I guess the fact that I now live in an area with more humans means word travels fast.

"Well yes I am and I did beat a druid," I said.

"You see you see I told you she was here," Clark said.

"Yeah we never said she wasn't but what we are worried about is will she let us join her pack," Adam said.

"You want to join her pack what about your pack," Rylee said.

"Well our pack doesn't exist any more at first it was just us our parents our Alpha his mate and his daughter, Jess, she was with us a few days ago but she disappeared one day," Clark said.

"So what happened to your pack," Ethan said asserting his power as an alpha making them step back.

"Don't worry about him he's harmless," I said they relaxed.

"Well after we were born our Alpha took a huge disliking to us we never found out why mainly because our parents took offence to this and turned on him attacking him and tore him apart but being the alpha they didn't survive the injures his daughter didn't care as she was less of his daughter more of his weapon," Clark said.

"So your pack is no more?" Rylee said.

"Yeah but Jess is still out there somewhere and we want your help to find her," Adam said.

"How do you know she is still alive," I said.

"She is a lot older than we are she can handle her self but we don't know for how long but it hasn't been long enough to cause concern since we last saw her," Clark said.

"Okay look if you are going to add them to your ranks we need to establish something namely where they are going to live so I have a place you may want to use it's an old abandoned building that I own the deed of the land it sits on so follow me and I'll show you to your new place and trust me you'll like it but first we must return to human," Ethan said.

We all followed Ethan to a large apartment building it was fabulously full of rooms and facilities that they could all use it was beautiful inside and out I loved it.

"You are really giving them this place," I said.

"No, I'm giving you this place this is now for you and you pack to stay you can stay in the house that you and your Rylee have and your pack can stay here," Ethan said.

"Do you brats wanna do that?" I said looking back at them with a smile.

"Hell yeah," Aydran said and they all agreed.

"Now about your friend Jess where was the last place you saw her," I asked.

"In the woods to the south near the clearing not too far from here we can help you," Clark said.

"No, you stay here and get settled in if you were there then your sent will be there just like her sent will be I'll... we'll find her," I said turning to Rylee and she nodded.

We headed off to the woods were we fist found the others and looked around there were tracks and a stong sent leading deeper into the woods so we followed it not shifting unless we needed to. We had been walking for a long time when I heard something behind me I spun around expecting something other than what I actually saw it was Grason and he was there with a gun on his back.

"Grayson," I said confused.

"Herd you were tracking someone and might need some help," Grayson said.

"Why would I need your help," I said.

"Because I've been doing it a lot longer than you and you can track sent which can be manipulated but I can track prints and they if you how to look for them cant be manipulated," Grayson said.

"Fine," I said.

"So who or what are we looking for?" Grayson said.

"A girl werewolf named Jess not sure how old but no older than us and older than 13," I said

"Roger that," Grayson said and we continued following the tracks the others left.

As the day dragged on the sun began to dip and we decided to call it a day and we got a fire going as we sat around the fire to keep warm in the fall air that was now creeping in I couldn't help but think I was missing something or not seeing the whole pitcher.

"You okay babe," Rylee said leaning into me.

"I'm just thinking that maybe we are walking into something that will end badly for us," I said.

"Yeah what we are doing is not measuring the reward with enough risk," Grayson said.

"What do you mean," I said.

"Well the reward is getting this girl finding her but the risk is what happens to us along the way we don't know so it could be good or bad really bad," Grayson said.

"He makes a decent point," I said looking at Rylee.

"Yeah but I am wiped out so good night," Grayson said laying down.

Me and Rylee talked for a bit before falling asleep ourselves we woke up and continued moving we found a small camp and it was filled with the scent of the six wolfs and one other a strong sent definitely alpha descendant.

"Well she was definitely here but not any more," I said.

"But she has been here recently," Grayson said.

"How," I said.

"Thes tracks here going north are three days old your friends most likely but these here heading west are only a few hours old," Grayson said.

"So she's close," Rylee said.

"Yeah but we should be careful," Grayson said and we nodded as we followed the tracks.

We took off running following the tracks and as we followed them I saw a few of the tracks were off but I couldn't tell what it was so I stopped and asked Grayson.

"Grayson look what do you think about the tracks," I said.

"I'm glad someone else noticed your right her tracks are a little less deep meaning she must be injured we should hurry" Grayson and we continued running.

We ran and I saw a small wolf in front of us I called out her name and she came to a stop by tripping over her own feet when we got to her she was on her side and in pain her left front legs were bloody.

"Get her up we need to get her help now," I said.

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