Chapter Sixty-Three: Absolution

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"Is she alright?"

"What happened?"

Questions and prodding eyes crowd the edge of the illuminated tent. Night has blanketed the world in a deep and mesmerizing bright blue haze. But on the white sand, a steady fire roars at the center of the camp. The waves gently roll to the shore, sending the palm trees where Sparta's halyard lines are latched on to creak with every sway. 

James saunters, ashen brows furled. He denies the ball knotting in his chest as he stands at Nigel's left. "How is she?" He asks, cupping the old boatswain's shoulder.

"Aye, I was too late." Nigel wipes brow. He peers to the other side just as Ben walks up, a bucket of water in hand and slips inside. Nigel's eyes meet Victor's for a moment instead as he finishes off telling the tale for Maurice. "Lad!"

Victor walks up to him. "Remember what happened after Abram's attack?"

Nigel gapes but he nods. Then he frowns. "She's asleep?"

"Worse this time," Victor says, glancing wearily at the side. "She bled."

"How much?"

It's James. The two men turn to him.

James raises his brows. "She bled before. I need to know how much to compare-"

"Yeah! Aggy told us too." Victor taps his chin. Nigel looks hopelessly lost and worried between them. "Under the nose, though, it's quite a lot. The blood trickled down to her chest-"

"God." James shakes his head. "But she'll be fine won't she? Last time she bled everywhere-"

Nigel gasps. "Sink me! We should find a doctor!"

"Stop, stop! Everyone calm down!" Aggy cuts her hands in the air, taking charge of the pandemonium for once.

Torkin adjusts himself on her shoulder. "Piiipe down!"

Nigel steps back. Ben pats his shoulder. "Captain's got her don't worry."

James raises a brow.

"That's right!" Aggy continues. "Listen to the bird! She won't wake up if all of you are takin' her air! Back away, please!"

Nigel scratches the back of his neck. "Aye, they got a point. Come on lads-"

A smooth baritone orders next, "We'll take care of her."

Captain Del Santo briefly looks up at them. He had wiped the blood away, but figured she needed to change her clothes. Some of the red drips on his hands, which he quickly hides behind him. "Go. Have dinner. We'll follow later."

"You heard 'em crew," James begins, shooing the worried crewmembers back to the fire pit. "Captain will be fine. We just have to wait until she wakes up-"

The crew grumbles, but obeys.

"Get well soon, Cap'n." Boomer sniffles. His tall thin frame is bent, and makes him resemble a branch threatening to snap. Bulky Obadiah whisks him away, at Aggy's raised brow.

Aggy sighs. Just as she closes the flap to help with the Captain, whooshing sand under speedy feet stops her.

"Wait! Wait!" A tinkling voice shrieks.

She steps out again. Aggy stops. Before her stands the two young women. Madeline grasps Eugenie's hand tightly, both of them breathing heavily from running.

"Girl!" Aggy cries, brushing Madeline's dried curls away from her face. "You shouldn't run like that-"

Madeline shakes her head. She clutches her stomach and Eugenie wounds an arm behind her. Aggy sees the fear in the youngest pirate's eyes, and they both share a look.

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