Chapter Six: Keeping Secrets

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Eleanore walks in, plate in her hand. She stops just in front of the table. "Your supper, Captain."

He looks at her and stands up, taking the plate. "I come out when I want to eat."

"But going hungry before bed makes one ill-" Seeing the surprise on his face, she stops herself. 

They both stare at each other.

Eleanore clasps her hands together, mortified. Her mouth always comes ahead of her head.  She wants to run to her cabin and hide. He is not a child to be reminded of that. And he is most definitely not Madeline for her to fuss over. 

"Captain, Sir," she softly adds, lowering her gaze.

He settles the plate on a corner of the table. The Captain does not say anything. So Eleanore does what she has always known...

She drops to a small curtsy and turns to leave.


She swivels on her foot and looks up. The Captain is still standing, hands on his waist. "Yes?" she squeaks.

"You are not a maid here," he suddenly mutters, the scowl easing away from his face, "No one brings me my meal. I go out when I want to eat. When I do not have appetite, you may leave me be."

Eleanore nods, surprised at his sentiment. "I will keep that in mind, Sir."

"And I do not want you to be a maid to anyone else..." he says a touch soft, "Sailor."

She looks at him, really studies him. Eleanore finds him staring straightly into her too. And in those dark eyes she sees a flicker of warmth...just a flicker. There is a kindness he seldom expresses. 

It does not stay though, and he immediately turns his gaze away. Her heart skips a beat, and she feels her cheeks heating. Eleanore pinches herself awake, nodding mutely.

"Good." He sits back down. "Have you and Michael had supper?"

"Yes, Captain."

"Very well." The Captain nods. "You may leave."

She nods and scoots out, closing the door gently as she does. Eleanore pauses outside, the knob still in her tingling hands. She shakes her head, cradling her hand and denying the tiny flutters swarming her chest. "Stupid," she whispers to herself, walking away as fast as her weak knees allow her to. "You're asking for mercy and mercy you've been given. Stop dreaming."

The truth remains that he is annoyed at her presence and wants her out the soonest. He is also older, possibly even a couple years older than John. True he has his moments of kindness, of caring, but that is simply out of duty and from what she has seen of him in the past days, he is a man who takes his duties seriously.

Eleanore sighs and makes her way back to the galley. Her feet picks up speed. Sailors greet her by the hallway and she gives them a wave. 

Victor nearly collides with her again, offering her his mug of rum. She declines and they part with a laugh. When she got back behind the counter, Old Mikey is dumping a new batch of plates and mugs. He turns around and sees her empty hands. "Will you look at that?" he remarks, eyes widening. "You managed to get the Captain to eat supper, I am utterly surprised."

Eleanore's brow furrows. "He does not eat supper at all?"

Old Mikey shrugs. "These past months..." he rubs what remains of his hair on his scalp and sighs, "But anyway, he is eating now. That is a good news. Good news indeed." He nods and gets back to the trough.

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