Chapter Eighty-Four: The Mysterious Circle

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February 1720, Present Day
The Queen of Sparta
Somewhere in the Caribbean Sea

"No, no," Douglas patiently instructs Madeline, who looks up at him with those big blue eyes. Quite a sight her former mistress is, Eleanore muses, watching by the stairs. The girls had taken to learning shooting from their master gunner, about to send their first shots to a "target" - of the illustrated man on a slab of thin wood perched atop the rails. "Here." Douglas stretches Madeline's arm out more. "And! Never, ever forget in shooting - err in fighting - whatever way! The thing is... to have confidence."


"Aye, we be pirates, milady!" Douglas grins wide, but Madeline's brows remained knitted. "Eh," the master gunner sadly sighs, "death is our mate. You won't be able to survive if you don't know how to defend yourself, if you aren't ready. Or else... someone would do it for you."

"Oh..." Madeline mourns. "I... I really don't want to be a burden-"

"Eh! It's not about bein' a burden, miss!" Douglas beams. "It's about being able to save yourself! And your little one in there-" Finally, Madeline smiles. "She depends on you. So don't close your pretty eyes when firin'! Or you'll surely miss!"

Madeline laughs heartily. "Alright, alright."

Eugenie cups her shoulder, with a bright smile. "You got this, Maddy."

"Thank you, you too!"

"Here we go, girls!" Douglas steps aside, and waves for them to back away at least a feet. Eleanore straightens up, arms across her chest. The master gunner hollers, "Fire at will!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shots pierce the quiet afternoon scene. Eugenie had hit the shoulder and groin, while Madeline's bullet went straight for the temple. She glances aside. "Alriiiight!" Douglas claps with a wide, proud grin. "Nicely done for a first time!"

"Really?!" Maddy squeals, turning to Eugenie. "Did you hear that!"

"Follow me."

Eleanore jolts at the low voice she knows well. She turns around and finds Anton walking down the stairs, a dagger at hand. "What's that?"

"We'll also start today..." He says, brows knitted as he hands her the ornate dagger. "I am... lucky... Mikey had laid the foundation for you. But there is more to destreza than... you will see later."

"Destreza?" She asks, following behind him.

"The Spanish school of swordsmanship." Anton pointedly says, heading for the spacious part of the deck, by the mainmast. "Destreza translates in English to 'skill', but it is not merely skill. Destreza is geometry, philosophy... a way of life."

"Woah..." She gapes, eyes wide and clutching the dagger in her hands.

His lips curve to a sly smile, that even the corners of his eyes crinkle. Anton shakes his head. "Don't look at me like that."

"Hmph." Eleanore huffs, and sticks out her tongue. "It's not my fault you are easily distracted."

Her words splash like a bucket of cold water on him, and he straightens up, scowling once more. "Of course not," Anton firmly denies, grasping the hilt of his saber. "Sheath the dagger for now. Let us see how you fight with the rapier."

"Very well."


She grasps the golden hilt and draws the rapier in front. "Rah!"

Whoosh, whoosh.

Eleanore sweeps the blade beside, overhead, crisscrossing in front of her in large motions.

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