Chapter Fifty-Six: Lies, Kisses, & Sword Fights

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"I insist. Please, you are my guest here."

I did not come all the way here for a fucking tea party. Eleanore keeps her tongue in check. No need to estrange the Governor even more if she can somehow use him later. She plasters on a smile. "How gallant of you, Lord Governor."

He stiffens, clearly surprised at her sudden politness, and his waistcoat fits him snugly as he does. His jaw clenches, and the polished appearance falls away to reveal the man underneath the official. 

"You would be surprised, Captain." Neville returns her smile with an equally warm one. "Allow me, please."

She raises a brow. He walks around, coming dangerously close behind her that the air heats up to a dry, crackling warmth. Eleanore places a hand on her hip, standing aside to pry herself away from the fire.

He leans in, fingers on the steel edge of the chair. Neville pulls it out with ease; the muscles on his exposed arm tensing.

She rolls her eyes. "Thank you, but you shouldn't have. I think we have already established that I'm not a lady at all."

A boyish smile goes her way.

What the hell is he doing?

"Perhaps you're not. But I am a gentleman, and I can't afford to be less than that." Neville tugs at his cravat and straightens up. He frowns as he leaves.

She raises a brow at the hidden barb. Eleanore sits down, in doing so, she comes face-to-face with Madeline - who's staring at her wide-eyed and bewildered.

Neville takes the seat directly across from her.

Father Martin clears his throat. He folds his hands together before him. "Let us say a prayer first for the meal?"

Why did he even get a priest? Her brows knot as she assesses the situation. Is he planning for a wedding or a funeral?

Neville lifts his eyes and their gazes meet across the tiny table. His lips press to a line, a disapproving look, if she hadn't noticed how he held his breath or how his cheeks turned rosy - from the heat and the longer they remain locked in each other's gaze. She looks away.

"Ehem?" Father Martin tries again.

He blinks. "Please do, Father," Neville recoups, clasping his hands together. They fall to prayer, led by the priest. But Eleanore keeps her eyes open.

Forgive me, Almighty Lord, for I shall sin yet again.

She tenses on the steel chair. One harsh movement will send it screeching. Heart drumming aloud, she turns her head to the side.

Two redcoats are positioned behind her, grasping rifles in their hands.

Father Martin drawls on. "...And please lend wisdom to the Lord Governor and Captain Smith as they negotiate for the future of Nassau. May Your will be done. Please be with Lady Longbourne and her child during this difficult time. May she look upon You for comfort. And please bless all who have gathered here with Your peace and guidance. These we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen."

"Amen," Eleanore echoes, clasping Madeline's hand in hers. Madeline keeps her eyes on her saucer, but gives Eleanore a tender press.

"Please," Neville says, pushing the plate of cakes to the center. "Lady Longbourne, especially-"

Eleanore scowls. "Maddy?" She whispers, holding her hand. "You haven't eaten anything?"

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