Chapter 107: A Life for A Life (Part One)

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"Ja!" A blond sailor with his pale skin barely seen through his smattering of tattoos happily exclaims. James scratches his head for a moment until Ulric helpfully waddles to the quartermaster and tells him it means yes in the Northern lands.




Under the shadow of the bridge, Eleanore holds her breath with Levalllois' crinkled paper in her hands. Eighteen voices aren't enough to sway the tide, but all arguments are laid out already. There is no more use, but to let the People put their voice into the matter.

"That face doesn't suit a blushing bride, now." Uriah sidles beside her with a cocky grin plastered on his face and a wink thrown behind her for Anton.

She crumples the paper in her fist. "Levallois is making everything complicated."

"Levallois wants trouble..." The old captain sighs. "Ah, now I feel truly, horribly rotten for even bringing him over. I had hoped you'll make more friends..." He grumbles. "But I must be an old fool... hoping for friendship among snakes." 

"Oh, you sound like Papa," Eleanore snorts, shaking her head. "That's what he said when I sneaked out to play on the streets. Make friends..."

"And did it go well?" Uriah grins and raises both his bushy gray brows. 

"Mama scolded us both, so no." She smiles and they both laugh together.

"Well, your mother might have a point, Smith. Great friendships do happen by chance." Uriah winks. "That's why politics don't permit true friendshi --- now where is that thing..." He pats his coat for a cigar, stops, and curiously holds out a hand behind her. Eleanore's eyes widen.

Anton hands a thin cigarillo to the old captain.

She gasps. "Since when did you start smoking?!"

Uriah furtively eyes them both and happily walks away to light the cigarillo while whistling. 

Eleanore narrows her eyes at her husband, who promptly insists with his finger pointed to the deck that she watch the proceedings instead. She firmly taps her boots on the deck. "I'm waiting."

"Very rarely."


"My old vice---"

"You have a fresh stick with you!"

"Draw!" James exclaims atop the barrel, slapping his forehead. "Anyone? No one! Miss Madeline, you might want to throw your vote in---"

Both captains forget their current feud and snap in attention. She turns to find Maddy cowering beside Ben, and hesitantly looking up at him for any guidance.

Ben himself voted against, even if Eleanore knew he wanted otherwise. Those people in Inagua are his people after all, like the fugitives in their care, who continue to suffer from every day that plantation remains standing.

"Well, well..." Douglas steps in before Maddy could even settle for a vote. "This is all well and good, but we need to consider the effects of this raid for the future." He winks at the crew. "As we all know, our captain is not the most beloved by the Council."

The pirates murmur. They have never considered the matters outside of the ship. Eleanore presses her lips together. As a captain, she has to remain distanced from these affairs, unless another officer would speak up for her concerns - insidiously, like what Douglas has been doing. It is a surprise that the votes are tied. She expected an overwhelming aye.

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