Chapter 137: When the Bell Tolls

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"Gah!" Eleanore breaks free from the thick film of briny seawater, gasping for air. The saltwater has stuck on her lashes, searing her eyes shut and stinging. Blindly, she gropes for her companion, but only the ever present current sifts through her hands, each wave returning with strength enough to carry her back to the nearest rock. Straining to open her eyes, she finds splotches of the great black shadow—the cliff—and the hazy currents of the blue sea.

Calm down. She swallows another gulp of breath and keeps herself afloat by pedaling her legs underwater as her dearest instructed. At the reminder of him and their friends, she bites her lip. "Isabelle!" Eleanore calls, squinting at the shadows for any movement. "Isabelle!" She cannot leave her, even if she could finally make out the edges of the cliff. She saved me—

But Fernandez...

Her heart dips. Fernandez would think she betrayed him. And perhaps she did. Eleanore huffs and swims forward. I'll come back. I'll help you. She promises. I'll never leave Tortuga like this.



The water pops out from her ears, catching the ominous bells clanging above the rumbling waves and sending her heart tumbling in her chest. "What?" Eleanore gawps, not quite understanding, until she turns around... Her eyes widen. There, on the horizon, silhouettes of ships are passing by.

Five. A humble sloop and barque. A ferocious caravel splitting through the waters. Followed by a frigate with blue sails, departing from the throng to round and make the first entry into Hispaniola's passage in front of Tortuga.

And there, at last, is her great, white foe.

The Admiral's ship is a beacon in this dark night, that white paint reflecting all the light the world can spare in this damned island.

"No..." Eleanore gasps. "No!"



I am offering you protection.


Anton! Eleanore turns to answer in the dark, but another cold hand grasps her. "Is that you?!" She cries, blindly holding onto the arm. "I thought you—"

Even in the shadows, she could see Isabelle grimace. "You let the currents take you." She doesn't miss a beat. "And please don't be so loud."

A tiny light glimmers at the corner of her eye. They look up. The torch blazes with bright, piercing flames in the velvety night, and those familiar dark curls come to view. Relief washes over her that is squashed so easily when Anton dangerously creeps over the edge to squint at them.

"Get back! Anton!" Eleanore gasps, wading in the water. "You'll fall! We'll try to..."

"I'll be fine! Come close to the cliff!"

"No! Argh!" She frantically looks around and slaps the water. The Admiral. Eleanore fights back her tears. She needs to climb up this cliff first. "Damn it! Anton!"


"Rope! We need a rope!"


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