Chapter Fifty-One: Gamble

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January 1720, Present Day

Nassau, New Providence Island

"Oh." Eleanore gasps when she opens the door. "Oh wow."

The scene before her is something she never expected: Madeline is perched at the edge of the bed, legs aside and ankles crossed, holding a fan of five playing cards in front of her face.

At the other side on a dirty white blanket, Aggy sits with her legs folded under her, forehead creased, and the tip of her tongue out as she contemplates thirteen cards in her hand.

Between them, are a pile of playing cards. The two women are playing a simpler alternative of ombre, a Spanish card game.

"Even with two people only?"

"Sshh," Aggy hushes her down. "That's why I said 'alternative'."

Eleanore rolls her eyes. "You just made that up."

Aggy sticks her tongue out, then shakes her head at her cards. "Ah, shit."

"I'm winning, Nellie," Madeline snickers, fanning herself with the cards.

"Hmph." Aggy raises a brow, making Madeline giggle. "Beginner's luck, don't be too happy."

"Once is luck." Madeline raises her chin up. "Thrice is mastery!"

Eleanore leans on the doorway, arms crossed over her chest. She recognizes that sparkle in those eyes - memories of their carefree childhood together in Boston bubbles at the back of her mind. And yet, worry pinches the edges of her heart. Madeline always looks on the brighter side of life. Her happiness now is like the one she displayed earlier today - a mere façade, a mask she puts up to protect herself and avoid dwelling on the unsavory cards life had dealt her.

Then again, can anyone mourn someone like Longbourne?

Or maybe this distraction is just what she needed to ease the pain of losing her home, and a life she has always known.

"Wait," Eleanore snaps out of her thoughts, "you already won twice?"

Madeline grins. "Can't believe it?"

She lets out a little laugh. "No, I-"

"Ah! I give up!" Aggy slams her cards on the floor. "Look how bad my hand is!" They both lean in. The highest combination is a six of hearts pair.

"Your unlucky day." Madeline lays down all her cards - all black, with the highest being a spadille, the ace of spades.

"Woah." Eleanore slaps her knee, earning her a glare from Aggy. "Ha! Good thing you quit before she utterly destroyed you."

Aggy sneers, "Now that's unnecessarily cruel."

"Eh." Eleanore chuckles, delighted at her two dearest friends. Aggy rolls her eyes and mockingly grimaces. Eleanore slaps her arm and continues, "I'm so happy you've gotten along well." Madeline smiles at them both, handing the cards to Aggy who stacks it neatly.

"Nothing like gambling to start a friendship." Aggy snorts, tucking the cards back in her trousers. "Rum does a better job but not in her condition, no."

"Thank you. You're really thoughtful," Madeline says, hugging her pillow once more.

"Nah," Aggy blushes and waves her off.

"Take the compliment!" Madeline giggles. "I think I'm done playing though, if you don't mind?"

"I could use a nap too..." Aggy yawns.

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