Chapter 132: The Verdict

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The Queen of Sparta, Tortuga

"Hey, Mads," Vic settles down on the bench beside a somber and quiet Madeline who is letting the broccoli roll along with her potatoes above the slab of meat. "Yeah, uh. Can't really store vegetables around here... spoil fast."

"Oh? I mean of course, I just..." Madeline shakes her head. "I cannot stop worrying. Everyone is there. And we're here. Waiting."

"That's just seven people, milady." Puck answers from the other end of the table. "And the birdie. Not everyone. If ye be askin' me-"

Vic and Madeline look at each other.

"I'd say, I am... worried they might not come b-" Puck coughs aloud because Douglas unceremoniously slaps his tiny back to stop him. They look up to the master gunner, designated Captain Douglas for now, who has his hat balanced haphazardly above his head and a forced smile on his face.

"There! There!" Captain Doug happily says, plopping down on the bench across from them with much aplomb. "Before we all knew it, they are back. Aye? After all, the Captain has a plan. And another plan if the first goes south. And another one. And you!"

Puck shivers.

But Captain Douglas laughs heartily and opens his arms to them all. "You are safe under me watchful gaze!" He hollers, making Nigel sigh softly at the other end of the table as he sips his soup. "What? Don't believe me?! I trained for years in a seminary!"

"But there are no cannons in a seminary?" Dante innocently wonders. Madeline hides a smile and decides to eat, after all, in the company of madmen that's only one can do.

"Ach." Captain Douglas waves him off. "I might not be as adorable as a priest like Nellie is, but you can get used to me face until tonight-"

"Master Douglas, sir!"

Someone calls from above.

Douglas squirms. "It's ca-- well, never mind." He beams at them and stands up. "What is it, lad?!"

The young boy, one of the folks who was at Death's door last night, Petru races down the stairs. "Someone been askin' for the ship captain," he hurriedly says, "I-I said no Captain is 'ere, Sir. But you are."

Douglas grins.

Madeline turns to Vic. "Doesn't all of Tortuga know about the Gathering?" She asks in a whisper. "Why would anyone ask for our captain?"

Vic holds his breath, scowling. "It is odd."

Puck inches close. "To trap her?"

"No, no." Madeline rubs her forehead. "A pirate wouldn't do that! They would be busy today."

Vic and Puck scratch their heads.

Madeline grips her fork tight. "Would they?"

But their doubts and worries get shattered when Douglas reemerges from above, poking his head down the deck. "Merchant! With holes on his sails!" He happily announces. "Says he be lookin' for silks as nice as ours."

Dante shrugs. "That's from Monsieur Thierry."

Douglas sighs. "Well, do we have some spares?"

"Douglas." Old man Nigel tenses. Without Ben as the bosun, his instinct plants him back into those very same shoes. "We need everything."

"Aye, aye! I just need a general vote." Douglas nods, shrugging with a smile. "Well... he was offrin' more shots in exchange."

Nigel scowls.

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