Chapter Ten: Confessions

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Eleanore grips the rail by the port side of the deck near the bow. She leans on it, letting the breeze slap her awake. The men on watch do not mind her. And she is thankful that she had not bumped into anyone else. 

It is a cowardly act, hiding. But there is nothing more she can do save for throwing herself overboard and being done with it.

She closes her eyes and presses her self dearer to the ship. Eleanore looks around and sees the golden woman, covered by a draping cloth save for her breasts. She sighs. "Tied up, always," Eleanore whispers, "Wherever you go. No matter..." Her lips tremble as she says it. She shakes her head, turning her gaze to the dark sea instead. 

She is a long way from home. If she dies, she cannot be buried with her mother...Even in death, she will be alone. Whatever strength is left, she does not know where to harness it.

Look inside, Mama's voice tinkles in her soul, strength lies within you. Eleanore closes her eyes. This is no time to dally. Or to be distracted by her feeble heart. She had let John get away with it. It is enough. After all, men only want one thing. They can be persuasive and charming in pursuit of it. Afterwards?

There is no after, that she knows. She will leave this ship and make her life in a foreign land. She will forget everything she has ever known. She needs her strength to face the difficult life that will await her there.

By God! She met him mere nights ago. He has been rude as he had been caring. He is still a pirate, even if he has manners. The dangerous life he leads is not one where children can be raised in.

Why am I even thinking of it? Children! How foolish! Eleanore chastises herself. She simply adores him for standing up for her and being kind. She shakes her head vehemently, denying the blush blooming on her cheeks. The young woman wraps her arms around herself, smiling at the thought he once held her tonight.

It is a folly, but she cannot deny how the Captain's scowling face is growing in on her. He is handsome, even if he is disheveled and serious most of the time.

The presence of someone behind her makes her pause. She had not even heard any footsteps in the depth of her thoughts. Eleanore takes a deep breath and turns around. 

Her eyes widen at who she finds and she straightens up. "Sir...Moody."

Moody's deeply etched face eases to a smile. "I have to say. They are pretty smart this time." He shakes his head, hands in his pockets. "Sending a woman...A siren, to infiltrate our ranks." His eyes narrow to slits as he says the final word.

"I do not underst-"

"I see what you are doing," Moody quietly says, "Sowing discord. Trapping the captain by your feigned innocence. Probably gather as much intelligence as you can." Eleanore frowns. "To report to a governor."

She opens her mouth to speak but he takes a step forward, pinning her back to the rail.

Moody continues, pointing a finger at her, "I am watching you, girl."

"You have nothing to see," she huffs, blinking. "I wish those grand ideas are true, but the ugly reality is that I am an orphan girl, Sir, who escaped unjust incarceration on this ship by chance."

"Let us see." Moody nods, looking at her from head to toe. "If you ever as much as do a foolish thing, I will not hesitate to throw you overboard. No one will ever notice you are gone." With it, he leaves.


The alcohol in her blood and the threat from the quartermaster make Eleanore's head whirl in a daze as she navigates her way to the stern of the ship, where the cabins are. By the time she has passed by the mess deck, Vic is the one dancing on tables but the Captain is no longer there.

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