Chapter 64

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Toby laid on the ground with blood oozing out of his stomach.

"Oh my god Toby." I brushed his hair back.

"What have you done he's dying!" I yelled.

The man shook his head and ran into the dark.

"Spence it's fine."

"No it's not your...your...." I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Shhhhh..." He brushed a tear off the side of my face, smearing a little blood on my cheek.

His eyes slowly closed.

"No, no, no, no! Toby no! Please!" I shook his body but his eyes wouldn't open and he wouldn't move.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"Ah, hi my name is Spencer and my boyfriends' been shot." I cried into the speaker.

"Okay, honey help is on the way. But you need to calm down. What is your location?"

"Okay, um....I'm in front of the Apple Rose Grill."

"Okay, an ambulance will be there as soon as possible."

"Okay, thank you." I hung up.

I stared at Toby's lifeless body as the ambulance pulled up. They put him on a stretcher and into the ambulance. I got on as well.

They rushed him inside the E.R when we pulled up. The paramedics told me to take a seat in the waiting room. I looked down at my hands and realized this was Toby's blood that was stained on my hands.

I sat in the waiting room shivering. The cold air from the vent above me blowing down on me. I was alone. Pictures of Toby's lifeless body flood through my mind. I push some hair out of my eyes forgetting about the blood on my hands smearing it across my forehead.

"Are you Spencer Hastings?" A detective asked me.

"Yes." I looked up with my red puffy eyes.

"I need to know exactly what happened."

I took a deep breath and explained what happened just hours before.

"Thank you, and I'm Detective Holbrook. Just incase you need anything else."

I nodded and he walked away.

I stood up and walked to the ladies room. I locked the door so nobody else could get in. I scrubbed my hands until no trace of Toby's blood was left. I took my sweater off and wet the sleeve, and wiped my forehead.

"Hopefully, less questions will be asked if I look like less of a victim." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Aria's number.

"Hey Spence," She answered on the second ring.

"Hey," I wimpered.

"What happened?" She could tell something was wrong by my tone.

"Can you come to Rosewood Memorial? Like now?" I practically begged for her company.

"Ya, I'll be there as soon as I can."

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