Chapter 98

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Graduation day:

"Is my cap on right?" Hanna asked me.

"Yes Han. You look perfect."

"Awesome." She smiled and applied more mascara.

"Hello beautiful." Toby said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Hi." I said back then giving him a quick kiss.

"Do you have your speech prepared?"


"How come I can't hear it?" I pouted.

"Nobody is allowed to hear or read it until it is presented." He grinned.

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes.

"Love you too." He smirked and ran off.

"Can't believe that I'm leaving this place." Aria said spinning in circles making her gown fly with her.

I smiled.

"Is Ezra here?"

She nodded slowly.

"But who know why, we're not together."

"Okay graduates line up!" Principle Hackett yelled.

We all got in alphabetical order and went out on to the football field.
A huge stage had been set up with a podium and balloons. Hundreds of chairs. Yep this was a graduation that was to be remembered.

I looked around for my mom or Melissa but nothing. Of course, I thought.
Everyone else's parents filled up the seats ready to watch the ceremony.

"Good afternoon parents, students, faculty, and staff. I would like to welcome you to the 2014-2015 graduating class." Principle Hackett announced.

Everyone clapped and they called us up one by one to get our diplomas.

"Tobias Cavanaugh, Kati Coleman, Alison Dilaurentis, Spencer Hastings, Noel Kahn, Hanna Marin, Jenna Marshall, and lastly Aria Montgomery."

It was antagonizing waiting for the ceremony to end but Toby still had his valedictorian speech.

"And now we have a student who is on honor roll, complete A standards on every SAT, is on our football team, in training to become on the police force, got accepted into Harrisburg University, and has a loving girlfriend down there in tears." Hackett said introducing him.

What he said was true I kinda was crying all over my diploma.

"Here he is our valedictorian Mr. Toby Cavanaugh." and everyone clapped as Toby appeared.

"Thank you Principle Hackett. Um..this is a huge honor being valedictorian and all. Being valedictorian means to most people that they want you to come up on stage and write a speech about your so called boring sucky high school experience. Well compared to me that's not it. My high school experience here was good and bad. But with the good you get the bad. But the best part about my experience at Rosewood was that I fell in love. With the most amazing, beautiful, smart, and talented person ever. The person that I'm pretty sure no scratch that the person I'm absolutely sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Spencer could you come up here please?"

"Me." I asked and pointed to myself.

"Yes you." Hanna said and shoved me out of my seat.

She even kicked me on the butt on the way up.

I made sure to turn around and check for a shoe mark before I went all the way up. To prevent embarrassment.

I walked up the stairs and watched as everyone watched my every move.

"Is he actually going to do it?" Aria asked Hanna with their hands clasped together. Hanna silently nodded and covered her hand over Aria's mouth because she wanted to hear every word spoken.

I watched him as he got down on one knee in front of me and opened a black box with his mothers wedding ring inside.

"Spencer Jill Hastings, you are the love of my life and I solemnly promise to you that I will love you until the day I die. Will you do me the great honor of marrying me and becoming my wife?"

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