Chapter 60

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"Are you ready for this?" Toby asked me as he parked the truck.

"Ya, I can do this."

"I've already submitted my transcripts so I should be good to go."

"Alright. Let's go." He said stepping out of the car.

Truth is I wasn't ready I had knots twisting inside me. Toby opened my door for me. I grabbed my school bag, we interlocked hands and walked through the double doors to Rosewood High.
There were quiet whispers in the hall as I made my way to my locker.

"I heard she left because she got pregnant."

"Really? I heard she got an abortion and was too emotional about it so she switched schools."

One girl walked up to me and asked the most bazaar question ever.

"So what's their name?"

"Excuse me?"

"The baby. You left because you got pregnant right?"

"No, I was never pregnant."

"Oh, sorry." She turned around and walked away.

"Are you hearing all these bullshit rumors they're crazy!" Hanna said walking up to us.

"Ya, I totally agree."

"So, what your first class?" Aria asked.


"Hanna and I have bio." Toby placed his hand on my back.

"Aria why aren't you in bio?"

"I got excused on humanitarian grounds."

"Oh, okay. Well let's go learn how to dissect stuff."

"Y'all are sick." She yelled after me and I smirked.

I walked in laughing at a stupid joke Toby told me in the hallway and I looked on the chalk board and written on it was:


My jaw dropped and I turned to Toby and he shook his head.

"Spence just ignore it." Hanna said as we looked for a three seat bio table.

I sat on the metallic stool and scooted up and laid my head on top of my books.

The guy behind my faked a cough then said "Slut."

I dug my fingernails into my hand as I clinched my fist.

*Cough* "Slut."

"If you want to live then you will shut up!" Toby said.

"You don't scare me Cavanaugh." He said.

"Oh really because I can take all that male testosterone and shove it up your ass!" Hanna turned around and said.

They definitely shut up after that.

"Miss Marin!" the teacher came in and yelled.

"We do not use language like that in my classroom! I'm I clear?"

"Yes, sorry Mr. Myers."

"Oh no, don't apologize to me. You'll be apologizing to them."

"What! But they were.."

"Miss Marin!"

"I'm sorry." She said with pure sarcasm.

The boy snickered.

"We accept your apology."

"Okay, now that, that is settled. I believe Spencer Hastings is joining our class."

I waved from where I was sitting when everyone turned towards me.

"Okay, everyone today we will be dissecting cow brains." He pulled on some medical gloves.

"Eww." I said as I cut it apart with Toby's help.

"This is disgusting." Hanna squeezed her eyes shut.

Two girls in front of us were watching us and whispering.

I sighed "I'm gonna go wash my hands."

Hanna looked at the two girls and shook her head.

"I don't know what more pathetic people who gossip or people who listen to gossip." Mona said to the two girls.

Toby snapped his head up.

"Thanks Mona."

"No problem."

"Oh and you that thing should be on the other side. Ya, your welcome."

"Okay, so what did I miss?"

"Cow brains. You want to take a turn?" Toby stood up while pulling his gloves off.

"Um no thanks I think I'm going to head to the library."

"Ah I don't think so Vanderwal sit your pretty ass back down." Noel said.

"I'm sorry but I don't speak your language."

"Mr. Myers just said nobody is allowed in or out of the classroom."

"Why not?" Hanna leaned both elbows on his desk.

"Lock down." He said as the lights turned off.

"What!" Toby, and Hanna yelled at the same time.

What did y'all think of last night's episode? I thought Spencer was being kinda a bitch to Toby. Especially with using his job against him. But that's just me.
Love y'all Spobians! Kisses😘 -🅰

ThenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora