Chapter 38

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Spencer's POV:

Two months later:

I tossed in turned in my bed I just couldn't get comfortable. Welcome to Indiana I thought.
"Knock knock." Melissa said opening my door.
What do you want I thought but was to annoyed to even open my mouth. Living with her and Wren is hell. Especially pregnant Melissa makes it even worse.
"Spence, mom made breakfast." I still didn't reply.
I barely eaten sense we've moved. So it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone if I don't come down for breakfast.
I just stayed on my side not facing her.
"Sis you have to eat."
I clutched my pillow at the thought of Toby.
The thought of his loving kisses, his gentle touch, his laugh, the words he spoke so perfectly.
My mom took my phone and deleted all my contacts and bought me a new phone.
She even deleted all my pictures of us.
I cried for days after that, thank god I have them saved on flash drives but still.
She tried even to get me to go out with her partners son.
Ewww. Let's just leave it at that.
"Look I know you miss back home, but don't you think a clean slate is nice?" She asked placing a hand on my back and rubbing up and down.
By then my tears were set free and I cried and cried.
"Aw honey." She got up on my bed and wrapped me into a hug and for some reason I didn't hesitate to hug back.
"It'll get better."
"Butttt I lllllooovvve himmmm." I sniffled.
"I know, I know." She said rocking me back and fourth.
"No you don't. I'm ready to run away just to be with him."
"Spence, you wouldn't actually do something like that would you?" She questioned.
"For him, yes."
She stood up from my bed.
"That's not a good choice though it could ruin your whole future."
"No, it could make it better."
"Well, all I have to say is it's your choice."
"I'm sorry okay? I'm not perfect."
"Spence I'm not saying that..." I cut her off.
"Yes you are. I'm sorry if I tarnish the perfect Hastings name. Or if I go to hell for living my life differently from y'all's. Okay but when I get the chance. I'm leaving."
"Okay." She said quietly gave me a small smile and walked out.
I slid out of my bed and shut the door and walked over to the closet and opened it.
"Please mom, you didn't think deleting the numbers from my phone would make me forget them." I said holding up the sexy Santa outfit.

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