Chapter 1

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Previously in the beginning:
"Is that text from Toby?" Aria sing-songed as we walked down the hallway.
"Yea why?" I asked my cheeks turning red.
"What did he say?" She smiled reaching for my phone.
Good thing I'm taller so she can't reach .
"Spence you can at least tell me."
"No I can't."
"Why not?"
"Because why?" She begged.
"You might run off and tell Alison." I almost regret my words as soon as they leave my mouth but it was kinda true.
Her feet took a sudden halt and her hazel eyes widened.
"Why would I do that?" She questions I could tell she was getting upset.
"Well you practically spent all morning telling her to date Toby." My voice was starting to raise.
"Because last time I checked he was single is he not?" She yelled at me.
My mouth immediately shut I turned on my heel and walked away.
She didn't follow me just stayed in her same spot eyeing me as I walked down the hallway in-search of my boyfriend.
I pulled out my phone and looked at the message he send me.
*meet me in the courtyard, love you -T*
I smiled and ran towards the double doors with the clicks of my heels making loud noises but I didn't care at this point.
I walked in-between the weeping willows. Where are you I thought.
"Toby?" I called out.
"Tobes." I said again.
"Toby!" I yelled.
I turned a corner to hear a rustle in the bushes.
"Tob..Alison you scared me......." I put my hand to chest feeling the beat of my heart.
"TOBY!" I screamed at the sight in front of me.
Present times:
"Spencer." I swear it's not what you think. He said following me back inside ruffling through his hair.
"Oh really then what was it seeing you make out with that bitch!"
"She tricked me Spence."
"Really cause it sure didn't look like it." I said holding my ground and holding back tears.
"I may have hit my head a little but I sure ain't seeing things. And what if I hadn't of found you?"
"I would have told you. And what do you mean you hit your head?" He looked at my weary eyed.
"You know right now I'm not interested in what bullshit you throw in my face." I breathed in.
"What exactly are you saying?" He asked crossing his arms.
"It's over."
"No it can't be." He said his lip quivering.
"Then you should have thought about us before making such a bold move." I couldn't face his tears so I just needed to walk away before it got any messier.
I should have known Toby Cavanaugh was to good to be true.
"But Spencer I love you." He shouted.
"You made a promise to me but you broke it." I said as my voice cracked.
He looked down realizing what he had done was real.
"I trusted you, but not anymore."
He looked up at me unsure if what I said was true or not but it was and I meant it.
My heart shattered more and more. I may have made that decision quickly but I felt like I had no choice.
I walked into the girls restroom with my mascara smeared and tears stained on my shirt.
I looked in the mirror at the horrible expression written across my face.
I pulled out rows and rows of paper towels to fix the mess on my face.
"What has he done to you?" Hanna said walking through the door.
"Is it that obvious?" I half smiled.
"No, I just want I full detailed explanation of what happened." She said pulling a Kleenex out of her purse.
"Bitch did what!" Hanna screamed and the words echoed through out the bathroom.
"Yep." I nodded trying my best not to let anymore tears fall.
"Well did Toby tell you his side of the story?" She asked pulling out a tube of mascara.
"Because honey you two are epic, keeping up a relationship while he was in Seattle to also having a secretive relationship. I can't picture you two without each other."
"No, I didn't give him a chance, speaking of which can you run me by the loft after school to grab my stuff."
"Why? You live there."
"If we're not together I'm going to need to move out."
"Spencer you can't be serious." She took a few steps back.
"Hanna I thought you were on my side with this?"
"I am or was..I'm not sure. I just forgot I was suppose to pick up Caleb from work I gotta go." She says picks up her purse and scurried out of the bathroom.

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