Chapter 27

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"Spencer why are you making such a big deal of this?" He asked me.
"Because Toby birthdays are a big deal."
"And when I ask you this when you turn 18?"
"Don't start with me." I said walking over to him.
"You're already making me wear a tie."
"Which you look very handsome in." I said straightening the collar of his shirt then standing on my tip toes to reach his lips.
I walked in the kitchen with Toby on my heels.
"Where are we going?"
"I'm not telling you." I said pulling a glass from the cabinet then filling it with water from the faucet and gulping it down.
I set it in the sink and when I turned around Toby was centimeters away from my face.
"Toby. I said I'm not telling you." As soon as I finished that sentence he placed his hands on my waist and hoisted me up on to the counter top.
He stood between my legs and rested his head on my shoulder.
I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist and my arms around his neck.
"Please." He whispered his hot breath against my neck.
"Nope." I shivered.
"Why?" He asked kissing neck.
"Because it's a surprise I already told you."
"Fine." He said looking in my eyes.
"What time are we leaving?"
"In about half an hour why?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
"That's just enough time."
"Just enough time for what...Toby!" He lifted me up off the counter and carried me to the living room and laid me down on the couch.
"Mmmmmmmmmmm." I moaned as I laced his fingers with mine.
"" I said between kisses as he hovered over me.
"So." He smiled.
I smiled and looked up at the clock.
"Oh my god Toby were late!"
"What?" He said sitting up and spiking his hair up.
"Shit!" I ran into the bedroom looked in the mirror.
I smoothed out my dress ran my fingers through my curls. Then slid on sliver flats.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you, but we don't have time for compliments we need to go come on." I pulled his hand while also grabbing my purse.
"Damn slow down 'Speedy Gonzalez'." He said running down the steps behind me.
"Oh and I'm driving so give me the keys."
"Toby." I said tilting my head.
"Spencer." He mocked and crossed his arms.
I knew that I had no choice now but to do this.
I walked extremely close to him knowing the keys were in his hand.
I stood on my tip toes and connected his lips with mine. This was one of my all time favorite tricks. I reached down to his hand which had become weak because he was focused on kissing me.
Then I grabbed the keys from his hand.
"" I said and I turned and walked out the door.
"Why?" He said to himself.
"Your too distracting." He yelled after me and I giggled as I walked out the door.
"Are we at a club?" He asked as we pulled up.
"Yep. But no strippers and stuff and at least I didn't blindfold you." I said taking the keys out of the ignition and handing them back to him.
"But why am I wearing a tie." He said getting out.
"Because this is one of those fancy ones with the crystal chandeliers and stuff." I said taking his hand and opening the doors.
"Wait no parental units are here right?"
"No." I laughed and kissed his cheek.
"Hey, also if it's my birthday no kisses on the cheek. It has to be full on mouth to mouth."
"Fine." I said and kissed him on the lips.
"Now let's go in." We pushed through the revolving doors and Hanna jumped out throwing confetti everywhere.
"Surprise!" She yelled and hugged him.
"I thought you weren't one to hug."
"I'm not." She said quickly letting go.
"But I've decided that everyone gets a hug from Hanna on their birthday."
"I'll take that. Wait what about Caleb?"
"Oooo. Except Caleb." She said running into his arms.
"Happy Birthday." He said and nodded his head.
I laughed at Hanna.
"Happy Birthday Toby!" Aria said handing him a present and giving him a quick one armed hug.
"Happy Birthday man!" Ezra said to him then him and Toby did that thing that guys do when they clasp their hands together then do a one armed hug.
"Thanks you guys for all of this." He smiled.
"So instead of standing around who wants to dance?!" Hanna practically yelled of joy.
"Ugh." Toby said.
"Come on birthday boy." I said pulling him by his tie on to the dance floor.
"Spencer I can't dance."
"I know."
"Then why did you make me come up here?"
"Because I'm going to teach you."
"Now just place your hands on my waist like this. Then I'll put my arms on your shoulders like this."
"You know. I have the advantage."
"Advantage how so?"
"Your not wearing heels."
"Oh. So your almost a foot taller than me?"
I stood on my tip toes and touched his lips barely.
He dipped me down with our lips still connected.
You could hear everyone around us go "Wooooooo!!!" But we didn't pay any attention.
"Time for cake!" Aria yelled standing in front of a table with a big cake with big letters written across it in vanilla icing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOBY!
I watched as Ezra uncorked a bottle of champagne and it spilt everywhere.
"I always thought champagne was the most sophisticated thing in the world." Aria said clinking glasses with Ezra.
"Well it isn't, you are."
She smiled at his compliment and took a sip.
Around midnight were all getting a little tipsy more than a little actually.
"Hey Tobes." I sort of slurred.
"Hello beautiful." He greeted me with a sloppy kiss.
"Soo you two are on good terms." Hanna said wobbling barefoot.
"Ha.Where are your shoes?"
But she didn't pay any attention because she had already walked off.
"Well I had a great time tonight." I said wrapping my arms around his waist.
"So did I."
"There's a limo outside and my legs feel like jello."
"Alright up you go." He said picking me up bridal style and carrying me there then sliding in next to me.
"Wait does that mean we have to clean all this up?" Hanna asked.
"No." Aria shook her head.
Once we made it back to the loft Toby tried to tip the limo driver but he would except because he had already been paid. He carried me up to the bedroom unzipped the dress slid it off me and took off the shoes as well.
He pulled the du've back and pulled it over me then after changing as well he slid in next to me.
Brushing a piece of hair out of my face thinking I was asleep because my eyes were so heavy I couldn't open them.
I was able to mumble
"Happy Birthday baby."
He heard him take a deep breath then pull me to his bare chest.
"Thank you and I love you so much."

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