Chapter 81

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You guys have probably been wondering what's been keeping me away for so long. I'm sorry I haven't been updating but if you look at the picture above, that is the new cover for the third book Next. Yes I am expanding the series into 3 books. Maybe more we will see how Next works out and move on from there.
Anyway that's what I've been working on. So there's the early release of the cover! Yea!!!!!😃
It's still a rough draft. Let me know if you don't like it.
Enough about that.
Back to the story:

"What am I going to wear?" I asked Aria who was sitting on my bed rubbing her very pregnant belly.

"Hmmm... something sexy. But not too sexy cause you don't want to end up like me."

"Aria would you let it go."

"Ugh fine."

"Hey, I'm going to run to the store real quick to grab a few things. Are you alright here?"

"Get me some Chik-Fil-A And I'll forgive you for leaving me."



I walked into Walmart just to get some makeup because of course on the night of my special date I was out.

I heard laughing from the corner. Probably just a couple shopping together.

I walked over to see, I know stalker status but I just had to see how cute they were together.

I turned the corner into the women's section and saw Hanna Marin and Toby!

He wrapped his arms around her waist as she looked through the jewelry.

I couldn't believe this.

I ran to the costume isle because you know Walmart has everything.

I found a blonde wig ripped open the package and pulled it over my head. I had sampled bright red lipstick that had stained so there was no going back now.

"So Toby, where are we going for dinner?" She said.

"It's a surprise."

"You know I hate surprises."

"Oh well."

"What are we going to do after?"


"Ugh your such a bore." She removed his hands from her waist and walked toward the skirts.

"But..." She cut him off.

"I meant what do you want for dessert?"

He about choked "Umm...I didn't think you'd ask something like that."

"Ugh please..." She grabbed the collar of his shirt and whispered in his ear.

"The girls and I talk all about it. You the boys. Everything." She said and he turned red.

"Really? Cause that's a little private don't you think?"

I couldn't stand it anymore I threw everything into a basket including the wig and bright red lipstick and checked out.

I drove home with my eyes watering. I ran up stairs to my room and saw Aria still on my bed.

"I'm starving where's my chicken sandwich?" She grinned.

"Your eyes are watering."

"No shit."

"What happened? Did someone cut in front of you, or did a little kid touch your butt again?"

"I thought we agreed never to discuss that ever again."

"What? I was just wondering? Now tell me what's wrong?"

"I just saw Hanna."


"She was with Toby."


"And? Aria how could you say, and? They were acting all touchy feely. He put he's hands on her waist. They laughed and hugged! Like a freakin couples retreat."

"Okay, okay calm down there has to be a reasonable explanation for this."

"Ha! Reasons, reasons. She whispered in his damn ear Aria!"

"Okay that's a little suspicious."

"I'm calling Emily."

"Why are you calling Em?"

"So she can kick his ass."

"Spencer!" She snatched the phone from my hands.

"Your not making Emily fly across the country until you get the real story."

"Fine. But I'm canceling this dinner."



"Your going to fake contractions and need my assistance."

"Fine. But this plan better work."

"It will. I promise."

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