Chapter 47

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"Ugh what time is it!" Aria groaned.
"Eight am."
"Okay my engine doesn't start running until promptly ten o'clock." Hanna rolled over.
"We need caffeine."
"Let's go. There's a coffee shop down the street." I stood up.
"No, no, no. I don't go anywhere without my face on." Hanna combed her blonde hair down with her fingers.
"Okay, then let's get ready."

2 hours later:

"Done. Now I officially need caffeine." She slid her pink heels on.
"Y'all are impossible." And we all laughed.
We got in my car and drove down the street to Starbucks.
"Well this isn't the brew but it works." Aria shut the car door.
We ordered and found a place to sit.
"So when do y'all leave?"
"Trying to get rid of us Spencer." Hanna took a sip of her skinny vanilla latte.
"What no...I.."
"God I'm joking Toby's right you do take things a little to seriously."
"So how is he?"
"It's bad." She looked down at her shoes.
"God, I feel awful."
"I would imagine you would." Aria spoke up.
"What about you know..." Hanna looked at Aria.
"What? What? What aren't you guys telling me?"
"A new girl came to school." Aria started off.
"And she's trying to get with Toby." Hanna finished.
Anger boiled inside of me. I didn't care who this new girl was. Toby was mine. Wait we weren't together. I remembered.
"How do you feel about that?" Aria asked puzzled.
"Gosh you sound like Dr. Sullivan." Hanna took a sip of her latte.
"Um..I'm fine. Ya I'm fine. He deserves to be happy."
"Spence." She placed her hand on my knee.
"Um you know what. I think I'm going to take this to go." I stood up off the couch and walked out the door.
"I knew she'd freak when we told her."
"Then why'd we tell her?"
"Because you don't want her to come back to Rosewood and see Toby with a new girlfriend and piss her pants now do you?"
"Ugh this is terrible. Should we go after her?"
"No, let's just give her some space. For now."

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