Chapter 90

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Previously in Then:

100, 99, 98, 97, 90, 45, 17, Toby I.................

"She's out."

13 hours later:

Toby's POV:

"Toby!" Aria shouted motioning for me to come toward her in the waiting room full of sick and crying people waiting to hear about their loved ones.

"Aria how did you get down here?"

"I flew in the emergency helicopter they brought Spencer in. What about you?"

"I drove." I panted.

"Oh my god Toby you drove all the way from Rosewood to Seattle?"

"I felt like a had an obligation to Spencer. I had no choice."

She sighed and sat down and patted the seat next to her.

"Is there any news?"

"No. I wish it feels like it's been forever."

"It has."

A doctor walked into the waiting room and searched all the faces of every family then walked towards a family of three in the back.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

A little girl cried and cried. I couldn't help but feel guilty for some reason.

Another doctor came out and walked towards us.

"Are you Spencer Hasting family?" He asked.

My face turned red with anger.

"Yes we are." Aria stepped in.

"I'm Dr. Greyson. Spencer's temporary doctor until Dr. Stevens returns."

"I believe we've met."

"Have we?"

"Yes, when Spencer was pregnant you were her doctor."

"Ah, yes in Rosewood."

"Yes, in Rosewood."

"You know you remind me of a sexy vampire on this tv show I watch."

We both looked at Aria for a moment. I gave her a 'really' look and he smirked.

"What? He does."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"Yes, yes you should." She replied and scanned him up and down.

I put my hand over her mouth and pushed her behind me.

"Anyway, how is Spencer?"

"The surgery went well. But she is still asleep do to the medication so I'd suggest and come back and see her tomorrow."

"So your saying I can't see her?"

"No, I'm saying its best you let her get her rest and you should come back in the morning when she's awake."


I didn't want to have a full on fist fight with Aria's vampire so I stormed out of the hospital in search of a hotel with a gym.

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