Chapter 12

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He slid down the wall next to me.
"You'll be better soon."
A single tear escaped my eye.
"I hope so."
He looked down and wiped the tear away.
"Everything hurts." I whispered.
"What do mean?" He said worried.
"I mean I'm sore and achy."
"Oh well I want to help but I don't know what to do."
"I know you do. And I love that."
"Well do you want to go to the hospital?"
"This isn't an emergency."
"Like the urgent care center."
"I guess."
"Okay. Um I'll help you up."
He wrapped his arm around my waist and scooped me up carrying me bridal style to my car. He laid me down in the back seat wrapped in a blanket still.
"The keys are on the counter."
"Okay thanks."
He drove us to the urgent care center.
He walked in telling the receptionist what the problem was and she sent some male nurses out with a wheelchair. Toby ran his fingers through his hair almost like he was nervous. They opened the car door sliding me into the wheelchair and taking me into a room. One of them picked me up and laid me down on the bed.
"Okay we've called your doctor and he will be here shortly."
I replied with a nod.
Toby just stood in the corner with his arms crossed.
"Are you her boyfriend?" One of them asked pulling a blanket out of one of the cabinets.
"What no." He said uneasily and shifting his weight from side to side.
"Were just friends." I smiled.
"Hmm." The nurse nodded and spread the blanket over me then walked out.
Weird I thought.
Toby had his back facing me and was staring out the window.
"Ya." He said partially turning his head to face me.
"Will I be okay?"
He went to open his mouth when Dr.Greyson knocked on the door.
"Sorry if I interrupted."
"No your fine." I said pulling the blanket up to my chest.
Dr.Greyson walked over and sat on the edge of my bed and Toby shifted uncomfortably.
"Well I'm going to need to take some of your blood, your not scared of needles are you?" He smirked.
"No of course not." I replied I stretched my arm out for him to stick the needle into my vein.
Toby bit into his fist.
"You okay over there?" I asked him.
He nodded.
"All done." The Dr. said pulling the needle out and placing a bandage over it.
"I will send it down to the lab and be right back with the results."
"Thank you Dr. Greyson."
He winked and gave me a crooked smile as he walked out of the room.
"Well it didn't hurt to bad. What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing." Toby said looking down at me.
Part of me was wondering if Toby was at least a little bit jealous but I highly doubted it.
It felt like hours were going by when it had only been 15 minutes.
Then finally a knock on the door.
"Come in." I said jumping up in my hospital bed.
"I have your results Spencer." Dr.Greyson said entering the room.
I never gave him permission to stop calling me Ms.Hastings but honestly I don't really mind. Even though I didn't know his first name.
"Well everything in your bloodstream seems to be alright but I still want to do an x-ray on your stomach." He said flipping through my chart.
"Why what's wrong with my stomach?" I said grabbing ahold of Toby's hand.
"Well I don't know until I take an x-ray. So slide on into your wheelchair and we will go ahead and get it over with." He said and clapped his hands.

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